
An employee is genuinely off work sick & produces a GP cert., can they be sacked under the Bradford Score? UK?

by  |  earlier

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works in UK in Clerical work

Does have an ongoing medical problem causing regular absence from work with or without GP cert.




  1. eerm what score, youve lost me

  2. Never heard of the Bradford score...whatever that is???

    Capability is the only legal means for an employer to dismiss under those circumstances...but it must still be legal, fair and demonstrably reasonable.

    More details???

  3. I've not heard of the Bradford score. If you have ongoing medical problems you may be covered by the DDA (disability discrimination act) whereby certain adjustments have to be made to enable you to work. It is quite a complex area though. Try reading up on disability on:

    Do you have a union rep because they would be a good point of call for you?  I would also advise involving your occupational health department (if you have one) as they can offer good support.

    As the previous answerer said, employers can dismiss on 'capability' grounds, i.e. you are not capable of doing the job you are employed for, but there are usually policies and protocols to follow before that happens.

    If you have no union rep or HR department, try speaking to citizens advice who should be able to help you further. Good Luck.

    Edit: I've read up on the Bradford score. I see that different employers use different 'point's before they initiate action. The same comments apply though, no matter the score, there are still procedures to be followed before you can be dismissed, or 'retired on grounds of ill health' and the organisation has to be seen to be fair or you could have grounds for unfair dismissal.

  4. yes of course

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