
An entirely original superpower?

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An entirely original superpower?

im completely useless at this, and after months of thinking going nowhere, ive decided to ask here. i need a completely original superpower for a hero, one that hasnt been used before or at least once. If you dont want me to use it jsut say so and i wont, but i need help here




  1. The ability to adjust your density. You could be really dense so that you can get shot and the bullets would bounce off. And when you lower your density you can fly because you would have a lower density than air.

    Feel free to use it if you want to.

  2. How about the ability to control molecular cohesion.

    So at a molecular level the character could separate himself and re-attach in different forms cool thing is instead of just shapes he could literally create mechanical or something similar to bio mechanical pieces. Maybe a draw back would be time or the need to be in a certain state for x amount of time kinda a shape shifter with a new twist. Or how about a super hero with extra sensitive cognoscentes feeling the vibrations of life itself A good name could death tone he could literally since feel hear and taste life energy drawbacks could be super sensitivity to extreme sensory offerings i.e really load noises or hard touches you may get the idea. One more Electrokenesis a form of telekenesis that allows the user to manipulate anything that uses electricity or contains electricity I don't mean shooting it out of his hands more along the lines of bringing a car to life or tapping into a computor.  

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