
An estimate of the cost to build a nano-tank.

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I have 2 smaller (10 gallon) freshwater tanks, that I'll soon be condensing into one 30 gallon tank. I'm considering keeping them. I see those SW nano tanks all the time at fish stores and they look so cool! Could anyone tell me specifically what filter I would need, lights, pumps, etc.? I currently have experience with my established 40 gallon SW tank, But I'm sure that 10 gallon tanks would require much more specialized equipment. All I'm wanting it to be able to house some very small anemones, corals, etc., and maybe 1 or 2 small clownfish. Can anyone tell me how I would go about doing this and what is would realistically cost? Thanks!




  1. Can some1 who know about this plz answer coz i want to do the same

  2. omg thats awsome yea someone answers this sounds awsome

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