
An ex-friend wants to be friends again. Need help with a response.

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ran into this girl over the weekend that I used to be friends with many years ago, when we were growing up. I have not spoken to her in over 10 years. I "cut her loose" as my "friend" because over the years of our " friendship" I was naive then and learned over time that she wasn't a friend at all. She was always competing with me, and making off-hand comments to me. Plus she had low self esteem because she was raised poor in a bad part of town ( but so was I). She ended up living in the projects w/ her parents, and I stayed in the city in a bad part of town with my parents. She started saying to everyone she tried to be friends with including me that we thought we were better cause we didn't live where she did, which was totally untrue and stupid. Anyway, I hung in there and tried to stay her friend back then, but , eventually, I loved myself enough to realize that she was not my friend, especially after she started doing things to bring me down, like breaking the window of my new car because I got one and she didn't. She was very jealous of me for some reason, and that is why I decided to stop talking to her altogether. Anyway, I saw her recently, and she is trying to be all chummy and wanting us to hang out like we used to I'm not talking any L*****n stuff here-hang out like best friends). However I am a firm believer that leopards don't change their spots, and prefer to keep her at a distance. How would I go about implying that I don't want to hang out with her at all. I guess I could make up an excuse of some kind. Thanks for your help.




  1. You say it best...when you say nothing at all!

    If she persists on contacting you....tell her that it was nice seeing her and you wish her the best then hang up.

    Do not answer her calls....etc..

    Best wishes

  2. be proud of yourself,of what yove accomplishedand its probaly better if you left things the way they were.far away from each other.

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