
An excellent way to gauge a persons intelligence is if they believe in God or not. Agree or disagree?

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I have always found that an excellent litmus test for ones general intelligence is if they admit to you they whole heartedly believe in a magical being that genie blinked into existance the universe and all thats in it in under a week. Am I wrong?




  1. I don't agree how belief in a religious being is correlated to intelligence. However, I have considered a possible correlation between self-confidence and religion.

  2. Agree

  3. Everyone believes in something and if we are here on this earth, why is it so hard to believe God put us here?

    By the way, everyone has the right to believe what they want, as long as they don't bother me.....

  4. I agree 100% with you

  5. You're actually serious - c'mon!!!

  6. Disagree. Intelligent or not everyone is going to have diffrent opions on religion and what they choose to believe in.

  7. If I agreed, then I'd have to think Einstein was an idiot or the world's grandmaster chess player is an idiot.

  8. yes

  9. you are wrong and ridiculously ignorant.

  10. Faith and intelligence have no correlation.  I've met a lot of dumb religious people, and a lot of dumb atheists.  So it really just matters on your belief in education.

  11. Someone who believes " Smokey and the bandit " is the best movie ever made should seriously think twice before posting ANY question regarding intelligence !!

  12. Totally Vague

  13. faith and intelligence is different. you cannot compare the two. so i disagree with you.

  14. i whole heartedly believe in God. if that makes me unintelligent, then so be it.

  15. Definitely wrong

  16. Well, I believe in the big guy up stairs but that doesn't make me any more intelligent than the next person, some of the must brilliant people in history did not believe in GOD, I could argue the fact that some of the wisest people I've ever met were God fearing men and women but it didn't make them the most intelligent. Intelligence can be measured by the brains ability to process info at a quick rate or how well the mind gathers and holds info to memory, remember the computer is a machine version of the human brain, so i would have to disagree with you, but hey if that theory works for you then more power to you, later.

  17. Hey Einstein genius of all time believes in religion

    he once said   "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." so its  nothing to go for one's intelligence depend up on religion

  18. You are right. It is an excellent was to determine someone's intelligence. You failed the test.

  19. People may have different reasons for believing in such existance, just like they have reason for believing in other things in life. There is so much out there that is unexplained so you cannot judge ones intelligence by it.

    I find that many people who believe in God are intelligent, and many are also unintelligent.

  20. belief VS intelligence

    It would be an error to confuse the two - they are entirely different things

  21. i see little relationship.

    somehow, people compartmentalize their religious beliefs from their logical mind.

  22. God is an extremely vague term, and for that reason, I disagree with you.  Some people see God the way you are describing.  Others see God as a life force, impersonal and without intelligence.  These are the extremes with many shades of gray in between.

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