
An exclusive-OR gate will invert a signal on one input if the other input is......?

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a) connected to the same signal

b) grounded

c) always HIGH

d) inverted?


How many three-input NOR gates are in a 14-pin DIP integrated circuit? is it 3, 5, 4 or 2???




  1. Logic is:

                 A             B           Output

                  0             0               0

                  0             1               1

                  1             0               1

                  1             1               0

    Therefore, if A=1, then for B=0  the output =1 and for B=1 the output=0.

    The answer to the first question is c.

    On a 14 pin DIP, 2 pins are used for the voltage source and ground.  That leaves 12 pins available for the 3 input NOR gates and 12/3 = 4.  

    The answer to the second question is 4.

  2. An XOR gate will invert a signal if the other input is always high.

    There are three gates on three input NOR gate device.

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