
An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind?

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do you believe in revenge?




  1. No, I do not believe in revenge.  I do however believe in justice and consequences for criminal behavior.

    Now, if someone treated me shabbily for some reason, I seek no revenge, I leave that in God's hands.

  2. No, even though Neo destroyed me in the first Matrix, I have a better suit and tie with the most awesomest tie clip and badass shades. I like black suits with gold linings! And expensive black leather shiny dress shoes. If anything I want to thank him for destroying me!

  3. Yes of course

    I believe in Eyes for eyes theory.

  4. Absolutely wrong  and  imaginative.

    I lived for two years in Saudi Arabia.  I didn't see one single person with one hand cut off on stealing.

    When laws of God are enforced, people don't comit crimes.

  5. in the bible it says eye for an eye but it doesnt mean revenge.

    but im not that religious. i believen god don't get me wrong but im what you call a little devil with a crucifix. so yeah i believe it

  6. Not really revenge but I do believe that there should be consequences for actions. I believe in punishment and death penalty. I also dont think that our death penalty is strong enough. I feel like if you murder someone or maliciously hurt a child then you should die.

  7. I'd rather be a blind man than walk the earth a cyclops.

  8. well in the Muslim religon were not suppose to take on revenge..but i do revenge if its messing around and is harmless  

  9. yea revenge must be there  

  10. yes and no. I believe the world must have fear. it is fear that makes the world behave. Think about it. What stops your from robing a bank right now. Fear that god will be mad or fear of jail. still fear is it not.

    in the case of revenge it makes us not do things like cheat or hurt for the fear of revenge.

    people who do thees things have no fear of thees things bc there so light or are so stupid they can not grasp the concept  

  11. nope

    and a threat for a threat leaves the whole world terrified

  12. yeah, i believe in it.

  13. It is punishment through the legal authority not revenge.

    An eye for eye create fear in criminal and he would think 100 times before comitting any such crime.

    An eye for eye actually protects the eyes of world.

    and non having an "eye for eye" only protects eyes of criminals.

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