
An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind?

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i have no clue about what this saying that mahatma gandhi said.please help me




  1. An eye for an eye refers to vengence, and it's reference is loosely taken from the Bible, you take my eye, I'll take your eye, you take my tooth, you get the picture. While people use this as justification for vengence, scripture teaches vengence is Mine referring to the Lord, but that's another question.

    When Ghandi said this he was living in a very vengeful, hate filled troubled time and he was trying to focus people in a different direction. One of the ways he did that was to point out the irony of the mentality that thinks first of vengence and not of forgiveness.

    If every body gets even, after a while there won't be any one.

    If we all take an eye for every eye we lose, pretty soon we can't see at all.

    Vengence makes losers of us all.

  2. If everyone started taking revenge for anything worth taking revenge for, that's all we would think about; that's all we would do. Eventually revenge would consume us, and people would be blind to see eye to eye. Revenge is NOT the best policy.

    That's what that means

  3. Revenge is wrong, communication and negotiation is better, that is what the quote means, however taken another way, if everyone only takes an eye the world will not be blind (i e made up of blind people), rather it would be made up of one eyed people

  4. That quote is famous, but it doesn't make sense. If you wanna read good quotes from Mahatma Gandhi go to this link:

    Good luck!

  5. basically lets say if you kill my friend (thats an eye)

    and i take revenge by killing ur friend (thats the other eye)

    So basically an eye for an eye!

    which basically translates if you take revenge on someone that has done something to you it will keep on repeating itself until there is no one left on earth. (basically everyone will kill each other off) (due to eye for an eye)

    he said if you take revenge on someone it will never stop! it will continue until the whole world is gone!

  6. an eye for an eye means that 2 people cant be broken it makes the world sing when you break it the world falls a part in your eyes

    i hope i helped if you have more quotes just add me to contacts thanks

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