
An honest question directed at everyone.?

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How many of you-if you had the means- would actually destroy the world and everyone on it (you & your families are exempt, of course)?

I used to love the world and everyone in it. Now, I’m merely convinced that the apocalypse is around the corner and maybe it would be best if we as a species chose our own demise.

I am sick to the back teeth of this planet being filled with illiterate, mindless idiots how can’t even understand simple concepts of: DO NOT HAVE s*x WITHOUT A CONDOM!!! It isn’t hard. See? Look at me right now not having s*x without a condom. And please, don’t waste your breath with “well, they’re young. They didn’t know”. Every teen magazine and below-par soap has made a point of it in the last 10-25 years.

C’mon, share your hate filled opinions. Goths more than welcome. :)

Oh, and spare me the whole “you’re so miserable, maybe you should just go and die” stuff. I really don’t care what you have to say and I especially hate the “happy-happy-joy-joy” brigade. Personally, I think you’re all idiots.





  1. I agree with you that people in general are stupid and unintelligent.  However, I've learned to enjoy it.  I actually love learning about human behavior just because I want to know why people do what they do.  

    If you used to love the world and everyone in it, then some traumatic event you experienced or the emergence of suppressed childhood memories are causing these thoughts, and I'm sorry to hear about it.

    As for your question about destroying the world, I don't think you've put much thought into it.  You don't want to face the anxiety-producing reality that your girlfriend just got assaulted, so you're projecting your thoughts and frustrations about the world onto others.  Judging by all the answers you've gotten, you're getting plenty of attention for it, which only reinforces your behavior, which explains the whole gothic lifestyle thing.

    Just keep in mind that you're stuck here with everyone else, so you might as well find a way to quit bitching about it and deal with it.

  2. If you watch the news it always shows the worst things and it is easy to get into a negative state. What is not shown is how some people are genuinely nice and make the world a better place. I know how you feel (to a degree) but you will just be like them if you see the world that way. Read inspiring stories and maybe you will see that there is a positive side. You are seeing the dark side of life and not the other side. There are two sides. Just because some people are idiots doesn't mean you have to get rid of them. Live and let live. Have some fun and get out there and live. If you are given lemons make lemonade and that is up to how you see life. Just give the brighter side a chance.What you see or read is people killing and hating one another and I know it looks as if all the world is going that way but what they don't point out is the majority of people don't do stuff like that but that doesn't make news, does it?  

  3. I think you have issues.


  5. The majority of people are good.  We may not always agree with them, but they're good.  I wouldn't want to destroy them.



  6. you think that it is worse now

    much worse that it was before..?

    you re listening to the gutter press

    .....don't listen any more

    have you got any real idea

    of how it used to be..?

    the poverty,the crime,the wars

    the h**l of slavery..

    and don't forget the holocaust

    and all that that entailed

    so get it in perspective

    and see we haven't failed

    I'm sorry for your girlfriend

    but you must be understand

    shes in one piece and will survive

    and you will help her stand

  7. i would wipe out everyone, the world is full of bad people

  8. so dude, who are you really mad at? the world or yourself. your just the usual oh its not me its them sorta person. well either fit or just be quiet. thats just how the world works, as long as your happy just go with it. personally i think your a real idiot. have a nice day.

  9. I think it's quite ironic how you say that mankind should be nicer to each other when you are saying that we are all idiots.

    And you said - "I really don’t care what you have to say". Then why did you post this? And why are you posting feedback on people's comments? Obviously you do care...

    If you don't care, don't go on to this site. Especially if you think we are all idiots.  

  10. I'm confused, are you asking a question about death, world domination, terrorism, illiteracy or safe s*x?

  11. I dont think I'll have to - It is going to happen all on its own and 'bring it on " I say! If I am still around I'll be interested in whether we can redeem ourselves with co-operation  when we get to the point of pure absolute need for each other.

    I don't feel happy happy but neither do I feel hate - Think I could cry a lake about it and wonder how we got here.

    If I did do it I wouldn't spare anyone we are obviously a failed experiment the only animal to knowingly destroy itself and its own habitat in such a short period given the planets existence.

    So I would be happy to think that something better a more adaptable loving animal - got a chance to live well and I would laugh at the demise of everyone who thought that money and things were more important than each other.

  12. "Now, I’m merely convinced that the apocalypse is around the corner"

    id LOVE to know how you arrived at that conclusion

    you just need a girlfriend (or boyf if youre g*y) and youll see the world completely differently

    edit - lol if science can double the human lifespan in 200 years im sure it can cope with rising food prices.  you should watch some comedy, your mind's set to "doom" and it needs recalibrating

    you asked an honest question

    heres an honest answer

    youre psychologically projecting

    youre projecting your feelings about yourself onto the world

  13. I like to think im a fairly nice person and yes the world is full of pesamistic, idiotic people but that doesnt mean we should eradicate ourselves. Live everyday like its your last and just be happy with yourself. Find meaning in your own life and dont worry about all the hate and dispaire in the world. The only thing that makes us common is that everyone is different and have different opinions on how things (life, government, even the end of the world) should be handled. There are many sheep in this world, there are many wolves, but there are only a few good shepards.  

  14. You are contradicting yourself, sorry to say. You say the world is full of idiots, and you exemplify that analysis perfectly. You say you do not care what anyone has to say, so why ask such a ludicrous question? It is this sort of behavior towards others that has got this world to where it is, there are simply too many "yous" in this world. You used to love the world, but now you have the same disease you accuse the rest of us of. To be honest, take a look at yourself before you start condemning everyone on the planet with your views on it, and what made you change your views. The good people are far and few, but it makes them a real gem to find. Life is a learning experience, and every turn shapes and molds us into the person we have and will become. Before you address this situation, take a step back and do it in a more civilized manner, than tossing blame and ignorance at the rest of us. There is such a word called eloquence when writing.  

  15. My answer is No: I would'nt wipe-out the whole world. However if I had the means,as you put it,I would wipe-out whingers like you who delude yourself that you know what real suffering is. You are alive,you have a roof over your head,even internet access,so tell me what have you really got to be all "I wish the world would end" about? Sell your computer and buy a plane ticket to any the following places,Iraq,Darfur,Zimbabwe,Afghanistan,... Korea or Palestine to name a few. When you get there you will see people with a thirst for life despite the horrible conditions they face and living with REAL death and they would give ANYTHING to have the opportunities someone like you has. Hopefully you will look back on your stupid post with shame and embarassment.  

  16. calm down.. you're just mad about something and feel like expressing it on here. write it down to get it off of your brain. you do love the world i can tell. you think i dont but i do. just because im 10 years old sharing an account with my 18-19 year old cousin doesnt mean i aint smart. dont judge a book by its cover. Have you ever seen the world in a different way? i think you are just upset about what had happened with your girlfriend. you need to express it but you have to accept what has happened. it is a very very big world and we don't need anymore drama then it is. i would be happy to help anyone in the world just to know i made someone happier. yes i agree if you want to hurt them and since they hurt your girl friend, you get in trouble. what a small world. its a very bad thing taht they assulted her. get every detail from her and deal with it. tell yourself its ok and everything is going to be alright. you have all this right to be angry, dont comeback to people who just try to help. we all feel this way at times. but dont be so pushy, i am glad you tell us what happened to your girlfriend. those b****es are stupid. they dont understand the consquences that can be made.  

  17. Geeze...that's a strong position to have at whatever stage of life you happen to be.  I happen to agree with you, tho not as loudly, that people overall are stupid in many, many ways (I probably am by opening myself up to this matter), but on the whole we can overlook the stupid ones and live our own lives.  Otherwise, you let the "sheeple" win by ruining yours. Think of it this way: people have demonstrated their stupidity a long time before either you or I entered this world; railing about it isn't going to eliminate it since I think that it's part of human nature.  Sad, but that's how it works. On my part, when I read something that I feel is incredibly dumb on someone's part, I simply sigh and chalk it up to humankind.  I'm not going to let it ruin my day or life.  Like another poster said, take a breath.  It's their bad karma, not yours.  

  18. deep breathing and a beer...check in later

  19. Survival of the fittest.  I don't have any problems with Idiots (though, not by the standard meaning of idiot (70 IQ)  Most people are average 89-112 IQ so I do think you might not mean idiots.  I have above average intelligence, but I don't think it's necessary to do away with dumb people.  According to Darwin, though, we adapt to what is necessary to succeed.  And, right now, a below average person can make it.  If you change society so that below average people didn't make it, you could have your wish.  But, what about smart ugly people or dumb pretty people?  You can't have your wish completely, I don't think.

    Chris s called you an idiot and doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're".  GREAT!

  20. I think he's right.

    People have to start realizing the way the world is going. The "civilized" countries (US, England, Japan, China, etc.) are getting better at certain things but are going to h**l in others. Sure medicine is getting better. However there is also global warming, wasting energy, wasting materials, wasting food, wasting water. None of the supplies we have are infinite, we need to learn that.

    Meanwhile there are the 3rd world countries who are not contributing anything except maybe some resources to the rest of us. They are stuck in wars, famine and drought with hardly any way to get out of it.

    On top of that there are problems caused by the human population as a whole. At some point the population is going to grow larger then the amount of land it's living on can support. At the current growth rate, it may take a while until we have no personal space but it won't be long until we can't grow enough food for everyone.

    I wouldn't destroy it flat out, but I would give Humanity a nasty reminder of what's right around the corner if they don't take care of themselves and their actions.

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