
An honest question to muslims?

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In the Quran it says Mohammed married a 6 or 9 year old.Does anyone find a problem with this?

Why does it also say it is ok to "Thigh" a young child?Anyone think that is ok?

I am not trying to insult anyone just trying to find honest answers from modern muslims.




  1. There is NO such thing in the Quran. Study the Quran before you come here.

  2. Asalamu aleykum

    At the age of 25, Prophet Muhammad (God bless him and his family and grant him&his family peace) married Khadija (may God be pleased with her), a twice-widowed mother of three who was 15 years his senior, after she proposed marriage to him.  They had six children, and were idyllically happy.  When she died 25 years later, he was devastated.

    At that time, Prophet Muhammad had been receiving revelations for about 10 years.  Islam was spreading in the pagan city of Makkah, but the pagan rulers of the city tortured the Muslims, who preached that it was sinful to pray to the statues that surrounded the Ka'aba.

    Because life was not safe for the Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) twice sent parties of Muslims to Abyssinia, were they lived under benevolent Christian rule.

    A number of the Muslims who remained in Makkah were tortured, and some killed, for their faith.  Prophet Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) best friend was named Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him).

    Abu Bakr was the first man to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad.  He had a young daughter for whose safety he feared, as he was getting older.  After Khadija (r.a.a.) died, Abu Bakr asked Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) to marry this daughter, Ayesha (r.a.a.).  Prophet Muhammad agreed to marry her, but did not take up married life with her until she reached puberty.  She remained in her father's house, and the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) would visit her and play with her dolls with her, as she herself described it.  Ayesha was the only virgin lady Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) ever married.

    As a side note relating to her age, early marriages were previously common in every culture, including the European. When the average life expectancy was forty, people had to marry to early to have time to raise their children.  Further, formal education took only a few years, not the 16-20 we expect today.

    Are you familiar with Shakespeare?  When Count Paris offers to marry Juliet and her mother protests that she, at 13, is too young, he reminds her that "Younger than she are happy mothers made." (Romeo and Juliet, I:ii) He implies that society approves of the fact that girls have become mothers at 12 and therefore presumably married at 11, or younger.

    hope this will hepp you....

    Allah Hafiz

    Sadia Azim

  3. Looking back on Ancient Customs with a modern mindset is pointless and ignorant.

    The Romans married their cousins and sisters. A few of the Egyptian Pharaohs would marry their daughters simply because they considered them so beautiful that no other man should have them.

    The Bible mentions girls as young as 10 or 11 being forced into marriage.

    Your forgetting most people didn't reach the age of 50 back then.

    People matured much quicker back then, you had to, to survive. Those were tough times.

    Kids weren't babied until the age of 18, and a good percentage of children didn't live past 5.

    A 10 year old girl back then is equivalent to a 20 year old woman today.

  4. Said given you the best answer....

    take her answer seriously

  5. No Prophet Muhammed pbuh did not

    and no it is not okay to "thigh" a child.

    Our actions in Islam are very moral

    who ever is giving you this refernce is wrong

    as honest as i could be  

  6. Whats "thigh" mean?

  7. Ancient people had habits and rituals within their daily routines that may seem strange to us these days. Of course it is sick and socially unacceptable to marry anybody so young. The Quran is simply an idea. It remains unchanged since it was written. This is why things seem so strange. Muslims haven't officially revised their text like other religions. I have to exclude the free radicals of course.

  8. in Quran , it doesnt say that Mohammed married 6 or 9 year olds, and it is not okay to THIGH a young child , this information is completely wrong


  9. He married a 6 year old girl (who he was lusting over when she was 4), he consummated the marriage when she was 9.

    Even if this was common practice back then, (which we don't know it was) you expect more from a prophet of God. He was just behaving like a 'common man'.

  10. Here's an honest answer from a modern Muslim.  The Quran doesn't say that.  Try asking an honest question next time.

    It is not ok to 'thigh' a young child.  Something else you just decided to make up?  This is not the forum for you to get your jollies asking p**n questions.  Get lost.

  11. ummm, it doenst say that in the Quran.

    It says something like that in the hadith.

    VERY different.  

  12. Salam for you No muhammad pbuh married with Aisha a vigin of 9 years old is not stated in the Qur'an.It is stated in the hadits.Aisha was rhe daughter of Abu Bakar the sahabah of Muhammad.He suggested Muhammad pbuh to get married with his daughter after Muhammad's first wife Siti Khadijah died..At that era got married with young girl was normal Nine years old for a woman is recognized as grown up,because she has got monthly period.The other wives of Muhammad pbuh were widows for protecting their orphans.

    Aisha was a very beautiful woman and Muhammad treated her tenderly and fairly.As the youngest wife,Muhammad pbuh loved her very much so he called her humairoh or the red chick. After Muhammad pbuh passed away,she was 18 years old but she did not get married with another man,because she loved Muhammad pbuh very much.There were not another man just like Muhammad pbuh.

  13. Hey I can't help you with your question but "ma b" knows nothing about the Talmud, it was never allowed in Judaism to do such things to 3 year olds, it is not allowed to touch a women against her will whether she is married to you or not.

  14. The Bukhari Hadiths are Islam's most authoritative, valid, narratives that are confirmed by the chain of narrators going back to the original authors.

    Most Muslims regard Bukhari Hadiths as second to the Quran, or even equal to it, as they record the actual behavior of Islams founder Muhammed,

    Historical evidence straight from the 9 year old brides mouth,

    "...[T]he Prophet (Muhammed) said to her (Aisha), 'You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and someone said (to me). 'This is your wife.' When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will be done.'"

    (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari 5:58:235)

    "[T]he Prophet (Muhammed) married her (Aisha) when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death)."

    (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64)

    "Narrated 'Aisha: 'I used to wash the traces of Janaba (s***n) from the clothes of the Prophet (Muhammed) and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it (water spots were still visible).'"

    (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari 1:4:229)

  15. It is good that you seek an honest answer but before you begin, a basic knowledge on even the most basic sources of Islam is required.

    The Qur'an does not say that Prophet Muhammed (p) married a 6 or 9 year old.

    Try to correct that information first and then I'll oblige you with an explantion.  Otherwise, its just too much work I'm afraid.

  16. According to my knowledge of Islamic history, I think that Sadia has answered the question really well and that her answer should be taken most seriously. I couldn't have said it better.

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