
An idea on what activity to do when I visit my daughters 1st grade class?

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They are doing "star of the week" for every student, and each student gets to bring in pictures, snacks and a guest to come in and hang out and entertain the class for a half an hour. Their suggestions were comming in and reading a book, or talking about your job. I don't want to do the same boring thing as everyone else though. I was going to bring in one of our pets but the principal said it was against school policy to bring in pets. So now I need a new idea. I'd like to do something a little more fun, or different. Any help? Or does anyone know any good websites for childrens activities?

Thanks guys!!




  1. I teach first grade.

    While it is probably best ot do what the teacher suggests, You could give them puzzles or something. My class has a group of kids from the local high school who come in weekly and teach them to grow things and actually allow them to plant and grow bean sprouts, which they love. You could make search and find puzzles [ with easy words. such as car, cat, hat] on the internet. I can't give you any websites, because the sites I use are all subscription only, for about five dollars a month each.

  2. Family Fun has crafts and activities you could do with the class.

  3. This is something that I haven’t tried yet, but have been wanting to try. I heard it the idea as a book swap, but you could use small prizes or snacks or what ever you can afford, as long as there is one for each child.

    Here is what you do…. Bring a book. Have all the kids get in a circle and you pick one word.  Raed the story to them and when ever you say *that chosen* word in the story, the kids all pass what ever they have in their hands to the left (or right, what ever you choose) At the end of the story, what ever they are holding is for them to keep.

    I think it would work best if the gifts or prizes are wrapped so the kids don’t know what they are getting until they unwrap it.

    Good Luck!!

  4. The best way to approach it is to think about the things that YOU love to do, or things that your child absolutely loves.

    Our family is rich in heritage from different countries, so I like to do an activity involving a craft and snack from that country. Telling a story from that country, and then sharing what life is like there as a child is also fun. These involve stories from when I was growing up, foods I cook and ate as a child, etc. Kids love to hear about what YOU are passionate about, and it's easy to present and talk about things that mean a lot to you.

    good luck!

  5. You could do a craft project

    Since it's so close to St. Patricks day you could "teach" the colors of the rainbow ROYGBIV and have everyone color the rainbow with a pot of gold at the end.

    Since it's spring, have all the kids plant a packet of seeds in little containers and they could tend them while they grow. Might want the teacher's approval for this. Could also talk about helping the environment while planting.

    Instead of reading, you could get interactive and have the kids help you create a story. Have a general idea or starting topic like... " One day, A little girl was building a sand castle on the beach and she saw........." then pick a child to tell you what the girl saw. It's amazing how the story will change and take shape with each childs suggestion. You could even bring the tape recorder and record it.

  6. You could buy those mini play-doh tubs, you know the ones like you get in gift bags at birhtday parties, and let them make their favorite animal or whatever! Its not time consuming, neat and kids always love to play with it!!!!

  7. How about bringing in large cookies and stuff for the kids to decorate them with:  icing, sprinkles, etc.  This would take care of both the snack and entertainment.

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