
An image from my flickr page is being used without my permission.. where do i stand legallly?

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An image from my flickr page is being used without my permission.. where do i stand legallly?




  1. In the solicitors office.

  2. depends what it is being used for. your best contacting flickr and seeing what they say about it. Your best keeping ur profile hidden and just allowing friends to see your pics and info otherwise its there for the taking. Maybe seek legal action too especially if its being used in a dorogatory way?

  3. Once up on the net, the law is very flakey about who can use images(media). You could ask the person who is using it to stop, but any action you try to take beyond this (or by simply removing the image) will involve cost!

    Also, if it's an individual NOT making a profit from your image or at worst, an individual with nothing to lose, then your power to act will be diluted even further.

    Look at the problems the music industry is having and they have £Billions on their side!

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