
An important problem right now?

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does anybody think that the immigration problems and the way they are being treated are unfair?




  1. Yes, I think it is unfair for me and my fellow American citizens to have immigration laws that are not respected or followed.  I think it is unfair that my government is not protecting the soverignty of my country and keeping illegal aliens (who are criminals) out of my country.  Yep, it's unfair alright!  

  2. The only unfairness I see is to the tax paying citizens. It's really unfair that we are not seeing many more deportations.

  3. Yes very unfair of the US government to take my taxes and give them to criminal invaders! Unfair to refuse to protect US citizens (10,000+ killed yearly by criminal invaders)! Vote everybody out of political office and start anew with people who will do the "right thing" not the "easy way out", "politically correct" or "big business pay off" ways!

  4. Yes it is unfair.

    And if you people would get off your lazy arses and research in the history of your country, you would know that you are all technically immigrants, and some of your ancestors were criminals and unwanted in their countries, correct? And you'd also know that this land was basically stolen from Native Americans, they're called Native for a reason.

    Meh, hypocrites p**s me off.

  5. Very unfair! families are being torn apart, and fear is put into them when they are only here to work, make a living and give their families a promising future. The politicians with the help of the media has caused more hatred towards them, and that has fuel violence against them to. The violence has even been fueled against legal Hispanics, not just the illegal ones. New Hate groups and the KKK are expanding and recruiting all over the US and it's scarry to see how violent it has become.

    What's fueling increase in violence against Latinos?

    The poisonous residue of immigrant scapegoating has accumulated in the margins, fueling the rise of hate groups setting their sights on Latinos, regardless of citizenship status.

    According to a recent study published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate crimes are on the rise, with attacks on Latinos increasing in tandem with the intensification of the immigration debate. Since 2000, the number of hate groups has swelled by 48 percent, and attacks on Latinos have spiked by 35 percent between 2003 and 2006. While anti-immigrant candidates are repeatedly thrashed in national elections, this has not stopped their like-minded progeny in the street from taking matters into their own hands, confident that their actions are legitimized by what's happening around them.

    In such a polarized environment, where Latinos are racially profiled and immigrants are dehumanized and persecuted as "illegals," and "criminal aliens," the hate-filled and the weak-minded will rally to the cause in their own violent way. Only if the new generation of politicians listens to the majority — and those who stand for human rights and legalization continue to push for it — the voices of divisiveness will be truly marginalized.

    Anti-immigration hate on a rapid upswing

    Outrage over illegal immigration has gone far beyond those questions, entering the realm of hate. The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups more closely than any other groups, reports that fully 888 hate groups are now active around the nation, 80 of them operating in California. That's a growth of 5 percent nationally from the number of groups operating in 2006 and far above the 602 the center tracked in 2000. The number of hate groups active in California rose by a startling 27 percent in 2007 and another 19 percent this year, the center reports. (For a detailed list, go to

  6. are they treated unfair? No. they chose to break the law to enter here. Those limits are in place to stop a mass, fast, growth. there are visa available, but there are SO many that want to come they don't want to wait and do it legally. The benefits were put into place for Americans, we as taxpayers fund those programs (federal and state) Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people, we need to make them be accountable.

  7. What is unfair about rounding up criminals?  Is there anything unfair about taking an illegal immigrant & making them go back to where they came from?

    The only unfair thing about illegal immigration is the burden that honest Americans have to endure because of it.  Higher taxes, political correctness, rising health care, lower expectations in school, lousy politicians, sanctuary cities, increased crime rate...

    What part of ILLEGAL doesn't make sense?

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