
An inconvenient truth vs. Great Global Warming Swindle?

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Everyone questions the new british movie, The Great Global Warming Swindle, for infactual information. But then why dont the same people critize Al Gore and his movie for stating infactual information that has been proven wrong and now has to have a disclaimer when shown to students in the U.K. This isn't about science anymore, it is politics. People don't care about facts or else they'd critizie Al Gore just as much as the Swindle. Al Gore is just as guilty as this movie for misinterpreting the facts, so why don't people get so upset over him? Personally I think that Al Gore's is worse when it comes to scientific misinterpretations.




  1. Gore's film, while it got a few details wrong and wasn't as precise as it could have been, got the basic science right.

    "The nation's top climate scientists are giving An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy."

    "The [British] judge also said he had "no doubt" that the defendant's expert was "right when he says that: 'Al Gore's presentation of the causes and likely effects of climate change in the film was broadly accurate.' "

    Conversely, the Swindle got the basic science 100% wrong, usually on purpose.  For example, taking scientists' interviews out of context, editing graphs, using out of date data, etc.

    Rather than compare the two, just ignore them both and get your information directly from scientists (preferably climate scientists, not geologists).  That's what I do.

  2. you can't imagine how much i hate saying things that may be perceived as stupid, but WHO BENEFITS if global warming is untrue.?  Some other answerer said liberals,

    and,  Yes, i'm liberal, but i don't see that i am getting anything out of this if it is a lie.  I don't see that any other group of liberals is getting anything out of it.

  3. "an inconvenient  truth"  is  blatant propaganda, a real insult to the intelligence of viewers.  People have been fed the lie that all we have to do is tax energy producers, switch lightbulbs, and drive affordable electric cars (soon to be invented).

           We are lucky that we've been reminded (before the elections)of things we should have learned in the70s: Expensive energy means expensive everything & expensive everything (inflation) means everyone just got poorer - especially the poorest.

          "Swindle" is a good movie. I liked their discussion of how government funding supports the swindle. And the actual motivation of the swindlers.

  4. You are an astute judge of people and fair mindedness.

    My answer is that people want to do good in the world and when they think they can do that, they try it. People who want to "fix" global warming are good people who have been misled by Gore, who is making $millions from his activities.

    I have no respect for those who insist other people cut back their standard of living who themselves do nothing. I am primarily referring to Gore and his band of Hollywood half-wits.

    The unfortunate aspect for global warming is that the "cures' being proposed for it (massive cap-and-trade hidden taxes)will make us worse off than doing nothing.

  5. Yes, politics has gotten it's dirty little hands into it.  Which is why everyone, interested in the truth, should read what actual scientific research organizations and real climate scientists say (not what documentary filmmakers, mining industry bloggers, scientifically illiterate yahoo answers, or radio talk show hosts say).

    NASA Global Warming Q&A:

    The 2008 National Academy of Sciences Summary Brochure on Climate Change

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

  6. First of all, Gore's film had very little truth in it. Even the British courts found that Gore's flick was a political piece and not a documentary on 9 different issues.

    Those were the low hanging fruit they ruled on. There are actually closer to 35 different errors/lies in the movie.

    As for the Global Warming Swindle, there was an errant graph in the flick. Once it was discovered, it was replaced with the correct graph. No whining, they corrected it (Has Gore corrected any of his?) There were also many complaints after the show to Ofcom, I think it is a screening org. All the complaints were dismissed except for some minor things.

    This one HAS to go to Global Warming Swindle for being the best.

  7. The ice is melting at a fast rate at the north and south pole.. that is fact not fiction

  8. It is not politics! It is a religious cult out of control!

  9. Global warming is nothing more then a attempt by the left wing idiots to do what they can too stop the free markets , don't listen to this people , for every so called scientist screaming global warming their is another calling it a scam .

    the bottom line global warming is a complete LIE

  10. AIT is basically true, Swindle is simply nonsense.

    The court case found IN FAVOR of Gore's movie.  Some guy sued to prevent it from being shown, HE LOST.   The judge said it was a good movie and basically correct (link to the decision below).

    "It is clear that the Defendant understandably formed the view that AIT was an outstanding film, and that schools should be enabled to show it to pupils."

    "        (1)  global average temperatures have been rising significantly over the past half century and are likely to continue to rise ("climate change");

            (2) climate change is mainly attributable to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide ("greenhouse gases");

            (3) climate change will, if unchecked, have significant adverse effects on the world and its populations; and

            (4) there are measures which individuals and governments can take which will help to reduce climate change or mitigate its effects."

    These propositions, Mr Chamberlain submits (and I accept), are supported by a vast quantity of research published in peer-reviewed journals worldwide and by the great majority of the world's climate scientists."

    The "spin" on this case by global warming deniers, is ridiculous.

  11. as i recall, Gore's film has been shown several times.

    with little complaint, other than from deniers.

    compare that with the UK response to the Swindle film.

    <<After receiving 265 complaints about the programme the British broadcasting regulator, the Office of Communications (Ofcom), delivered its ruling on 21 July 2008. Ofcom found that it had not "materially misled the audience so as to cause harm or offence", but ruled that part 5 of the programme, concerning the political controversy and public policy, had breached several parts of the Broadcasting Code in regards to fairness and impartiality. Ofcom also upheld the complaints of David King, and partly upheld the complaints by the IPCC and Carl Wunsch. Accordingly, Channel 4 will be required to broadcast a summary of Ofcom's findings, though it will not face sanctions.>>

    should i repeat that?

    <<had not "materially misled the audience so as to cause harm or offence">>

    it appears that truth is relative, as long as it doesn't cause harm at the time.

    if one was interested, one could read about the many mistakes in the film that were found.

    one might also note, that An Inconvenient Truth faced no such controversy.

  12. Lies and theories proclaimed as truths need to be exposeed.

    Are WE to blame? I really don't think so.

    Please answer me too;...


    Dear Children:

    I returned from Arica, Chile last Sunday July 30, 2008. In this trip I crossed the ANDES by BUS, from the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. ROUND TRIP. I had made this trip beforewhen I was 17, in 1974. The ANDES has some of the highest volcaneous and mountains in the world. At the border between Chile and Bolivia, you pass one of the highest volcanooes in the world, the SAJAMA AND SOME OF THE HIGHEST MOUNTAINS.

    Something I could never forget was what they called "Las montañas de las NIEVES ETERNAS".  So beautiful, so majeestic !!!!!. Such a clean WHITE SNOW. ONLY WONDERFUL !!!!!. i HAD TO MAKE THE TRIP AGAIN TO SEE THEM. Yes, there was a SAD difference. The rounded bottom of the snow on the VOLCANOE, had no longer the round of a symmetrical shape buth the sad triangular shapes of a saW.

    I made this trip, still in the coldest part of the season. The sight should have been differet; BUT IT WASN T !!!!!

    We slept 7 hours at the border, It was very very cold, but get confused there are many things yet to be explainerd in in this freezing and unfreezing process.

    I have 3 groups in Yahoo, Hotmail and Orkut regarding our problem. Yahoo and Hotmail  in English and Spanish and Orkut including Portuguese, trilingual with a team of trilinguals at hand.

    I am an Industrial Engineer, graduated in the U.S.A. elected President of the Industrial Engineering Honor Society, Alpha Pi Mu of my graduating class.

    We have work to do,that is all.

    Thank you and God Bless You.

    Truly yours,

    Juan Carlos Valdivia

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