
An introverted shy guy in need of serious help?

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I've always battled low self-esteem as I'm not comfortable with my looks and even my d**n weak voice. All of this made me isolated from people for so long that I have poor social skills now.

BUT I want to (I'm determined to) change, so I signed for a public speaking class today, and now I’m terrified,…I can’t breathe.

Not only I’m lacking confidence in myself but also most of the class are FEMALES, and pretty hot ones!!!!!!!

I’ve already paid and can’t go back now, What the h**l should I do?




  1. Just be confident bro! I was in the exact same place a few years ago, and I just realized I needed more confidence. Just go there, do your thing and get out. Signing in for the speech is proof that you already begun changing. Don't worry you'll be fine.

  2. Go for it, and if any of those hot girls pays you any attention be sure to get their phone number and start dating.  This may have been the best decision you've ever made.

  3. You need to take several deep breaths (I know everybody says that!) and remember that you are one h**l of an awesome guy. You may be a little shy and have self-esteem issues but deep down, I know that you have a fantastic personality and you're a really good-looking gentleman (nobody in this world is truly ugly. Just because they don't look like celebrities and people in magazines, it doesn't mean they're plain and hideous.) Those girls in there may be awfully good-looking and all eyes will be on you when you make your speech, but the trick is to not look nervous at all. Don't stand there with shaking knees, a trembling voice and sweat dripping down your forehead! Stand tall and think of something hilariously funny before you go on stage - that'll put you in the mood for entertaining, plus you'll have a little smile on your face when you walk out. Speak loudly and clearly, deliver your speech well and don't do those little nervous coughs that anxious people do! Stand upright, broaden your shoulders and find a spot on the opposite side of the room to stare at when you deliver your speech (whether it's a window or a brick.) If you're super-nervous, don't glance at the audience with beady eyes because they will definitely detect that you're nervous! I can't give much advise but remember, it's only a speech! It's not your wedding day or you're not about to propose or you're not about to give birth! Walk into that room with shining confidence and deliver that speech as though you were a handsome, charming, flirtateous, powerful man who controlled a vast business empire and this speech is almost like a waste of your time. Don't forget your words, though! Good luck! ps. Girls like me really love the quiet, intelligent, shy types like you!

  4. Realize you'll do better if your not nervous and don't be. Instead of dreading it think of it as something fun to do and enjoy doing it.

    I know sounds simple but it's the best advice I can think of, it's what I do.

    Never know some the hotties might want to hang with you later :)

  5. Do the best you can honey, just remeber girls dig the quiet ones!

  6. I think you should continue with this class. I am like you, but I when I took a public speaking class my freshman year in college (which had its share of hot females), it was able to help me with a good part of my confidence. I may still feel pretty nervous getting up in front of a class (with all those females that are really good looking), but once I got started I felt pretty comfortable talking.

    It also helped me feel more comfortable when I asked one of those good looking females out on a date (but she was in another one of my classes my sophomore year).

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