
An issue with waiters/waitresses?

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We have two young children. We go to restaurants - all kinds. We get great service, it's prompt and friendly. Then when we are finished, the waitress is no where to be found. Do you know how often I've had to get up from the table to find our waitress/manager, or have had to ask another waiter to find ours? They totally drop the ball and what had been excellent service is fatally ruined by us having to wait, dirty plates in front of us and the children getting wilder by the minute because they want to get going.

Does anyone else experience this and am I the only one to ever bring it up to the wait staff or manager? I think waiting 15 minutes after we're done our meal for the wait staff to approach us is poor service. I wish the staff would be more considerate to parents with young kids.




  1. I have the same exact problem, and I dont have any kids with me. Its fustrating enough without them, I can only imagine how you must feel. It seems whenever I go out to eat, the service is great, waitress checking repeatedly that everything is OK, then I have to wait forever to get the check. There is no sign of my waitress anywhere. This happens to me ALL the time!!

  2. i get this all the time too. You'd think they'd want to get us out quicker, b/c the kids are fine until then, and it gets worse by the minute.

    If it gets ridiculously long, I just quit telling them to be quiet and join in the raucous. That usually works.

  3. This is where the tip comes in, if your not happy with the serve then you just tip them less.  Usually a waiter/waitdress have more than just one table to wait on and there trying to give there other customers the same service they gave you being prompt and friendly.

  4. Oh, I have been SO tempted to dine-n-dash went the check is not brought promptly. Really, it's like they're begging you to do it!

    Speak with the manager on duty, let him or her know you enjoy dining there  and have enjoyed the meal, but with small children, you need the check delivered prompty. Otherwise you will take your business elsewhere. I don't know about where you live, but where I live there are SO many restaurants. It's quite simple to go someplace else if you're dissatisfied.

  5. being a server myself (as i work my way through college) i think that's ridiculous. i mean u shouldn't have to search for your server.  the #1 rule is guest satisfaction!!!!!  they shouldn't leave the table until they say goodbye and make sure you're COMPLETELY satisfied. we have something at my work called an "esp". it's a little button that u push if u need something while ur server is away (it's more of a "just in case" button which u should really never have to use, but it's there for ur convenience. if u push this button it will alarm the server on a watch that they wear that u need something with a nice little smiley face.) maybe they should invest in one of those. maybe u should send an email or tell a manager how u feel. if they seem dis concerned with ur situation i'd just find another place to eat!! good luck and i hope this helped!

  6. It's a careful balancing act between prompt service and rushing a customer out the door.  Most customers prefer a cool down period after they finish eating, although the clever waiter will try to clear them out without actually asking too.  Still, ideally I doubt a waiter should leave a table alone longer than 10 minutes, especially with larger parties.

    Honestly?  Just flag someone down and ask for the check if it's an issue.  If it's a constant issue, you may want to try specifically telling the waiter before you order that you will need the check promptly.

  7. I like to give them my card after I've ordered my food and they're taking the menus away. I have the impression that a lot (if not all) of restaurants seem to put "holds" on peoples' food, so I like to tell them I'm in a hurry. This usually takes care of the problem. There have been a few times that I don't see my check/card for so long that I'm done with my meal and waiting. Those waiters don't get a tip.

  8. Yes I hate it when people don't treat my husband and I like we are the only people on the planet just because we have young children.  When the wait person brings your food tell them at that moment "we will take the check now"  be proactive.

  9. I would advise if you're really in a hurry, eat at home.

    It is possible that you may be annoying or too demanding and this can p**s off the waiting staff. If this is occuring every time you eat out then you could can figure that something is wrong, because I usually don't have any problems with waiters.

  10. i dont know =/ sorry

  11. I don't wait.. if the waiter disappears I get up and go to the person who seated us and tell her to get our check from the waiter and then I pay her.  It avoids tipping since the waiter isn't taking the dishes.. nor giving me the check.

  12. I see your point. I guess they figure once you have your meal they have done the job.

    However, At most restaraunts you can pay at the register. you don't have to wait for the check at the table.

    Everything is computerized now. the front desk as well as several other station have your check.

  13. I am sorry you have to deal with that. That is bad service. I work in a restaurant, and our servers are taught that prompt service includes bringing the check. At least where I work, they'd get in a lot of trouble if someone waited 15 minutes, or had to go find them.

  14. i agree tell them so when you leave thy will think twice before doing it again

  15. I have dine and ditch from olive garden..When you are not watching and disorgainzed is not my issue..I got pissed and just left..FREE MEAL LOL..but don't do that..for simple fact it was wrong..Now I ask for check first.

    and leave.I went to olive garden to see if they knew who I was..and no one noticed me LOL.

    that is what I call FREE MEAL AGAIN.

    pay attention servers.


  16. I have kids, and I have also been a waitress.  I can tell you WHY the wait person drops the ball after you're served ... because families with kids usually do NOT order dessert, or want to 'linger over coffee and talk' ...but since that means that the wait person also doesn't deliver the check in a timely manner and remove the plates or have the bus boy remove the plates, that is just plain WRONG.  Of course if ASKED the wait person could say that they were giving you time to 'linger' but NO ONE wants to 'linger' over a dirty table.  If this happens to you EVERY time you go out, then what you need to do is write a letter to the owner/manager (don't even use a name, that 'stings' worse when the letter arrives) and COMPLAIN ABOUT THE BAD SERVICE at the end of your meal.  Anyone in the business will not hear any words after 'great service' so say it was TOTALLY BAD ... then after you have complained you may add 'but for this, the service was wonderful.'  THAT will get you a good response, and possibly some free meals, since people who work in the business know that 'word of mouth' is the BEST ADVERTISEMENT.

  17. u dont need ur origional waiter for the check. just ask the nearest waiter and say "check please!" lol nicely

  18. I experienced the same thing @ Applebee's a few weeks ago.. Why the waitstaff disappears when its time to get paid is beyond me.. That is so rude... You should not have to go searching to pay them...

  19. i am a waitress so i can understand this. i think you should  tell them you are in a hurry and would like the bill right after the food is served ( from experience i know that i will do this because people in a hurry tip well if you are fast)

    or make a kind of joke after they serve the food saying "not dont run away we are going to need out check pretty soon"

  20. I see your point and agree, hope you aren't the kind of parents who are incosiderate to the staff and other patrons by letting you kids run the restaurant and bother other people while they are eating!

  21. This shouldn't happen even if you didn't have small children.  I would always let a manager know about that lack of attention if I had my kids with me or not.

  22. It is a pain. That and when they give you your check then walk away for awhile before they come back to pick it up. I think it is poor service and the manager should know.

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