
An odd question, just read?

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Is there any place on this Earth where people just live. No rulers, no government really, people find their own food, have shelter.Maybe like a little village even? Like in Japan they used to/still do have villages where people called shinobi protect their villages and thats what they live for.. finding their own food, etc. ???




  1. I saw a documentary recenlt about tribes people in Malaysia who live pretty much like that , off the land like they have for generations but even their life is cahnging because of deforestation. Much of the land is being changed and planted with palm trees for palm oil production which is making the natural rainforest less and less so the tribes people's lifestyle is threatened.

  2. maybe

  3. Unless you're a hermit living alone in complete isolation, no.

    Even in the most basic social group, be it a single family, a group or other community, a village, there is always a head person (or hierarchy) with authority and rules.

    Larger societies have evolved from that model and even today, small communities in many countries abide by these rules first, even if there are higher levels of authority and government above that.

  4. But Japan is ruled so is china... There is no place in this world that is not ruled by someone or something...

  5. I think I recently saw a documentary on Mauritius where they discussed how peaceful the tiny island is and how the people, although tremendously diverse in backgrounds, come together tightly as a close-knit community.

    There is no place with no rules. Even Aborigine tribes have a village chief. If you mean simply places where people are still hunter/gatherers, yes. Australia, South America, Africa and even the United States has native Americans living off the natural lands.  

  6. Well, let's think for a moment...without rules and government a village or society would be in havoc...that's why none exist....try reading Lord of the Flies, it will give you an in depth look at how we as humans naturally function, and as to why rules are naturally created. :)

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