
An odd question about love and s*x?

by Guest63383  |  earlier

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say for example, you are madly in love with your significant other.. the two of you are great together, have lots of memories and experiences, and you even enjoy making love, all the time, in lots of different ways.. you enjoy pleasing each other...

now, your significant other has been gone for a couple of weeks, and you boht miss each other terribly... he/she comes home, and the first thing you do is make wild, hot, passionate love to each other?

do you think that the need to make love and the need to just want each other has outweighed the fact that you fell in love because this person is supposed to be your life long companion?

in other words, do you feel that you are driven because of the need to have s*x and be sexually satisfied with your lover, or would you be just as happy if they came home and you just had them to hold in your arms, happy to be there with them?

its hard to explain properly, i hope someone gets what i'm asking...

i guess its like, is the need for s*x greater than the need for companionship, and is this an ok thing, and why? yea, thats more like it!




  1. so are you complaining about the shag or not enough of it?

  2. Isn't s*x supposed to be another way of expressing love in a loving and committed relationship?  There's no need to compartmentalize here, whether it was slow and sensual or urgent and animalistic.  

  3. I think they go together.  If you miss this person terribly you are going to be thinking lots of things while you are gone.  It could be thinking about s*x or it could be thinking about watching a movie together.  If I haven't been around my husband for awhile I know I am in need for him all the way and the same goes for him.  

  4. let me get this are actually complaining that upon return ya'll had hot passionate s*x.....???

    um....and what is the problem here ????

  5. Yes its ok.

    Because if it was all 's*x' then he/you may have had s*x with someone else.

  6. i would be more concerned if they came home and DIDN'T want to have s*x (passionate or not).  i would be happy if they came home and just wanted to be with me s*x or not.

  7. s*x is such a small portion of the day.  There are 24 hours in a day and s*x takes up about 25 min (well for us old guys, maybe 5 mins for you youngsters).

    The question that needs to be asked is... What do you do with the other 23 hours and 35 mins of each day?  Its not the 25 minutes that defines your relationship, its remaining time.

  8. When you are married s*x is a way for intimacy that is both physically and emotional. So, when you make hot and steamy s*x you are reconnecting with the person that you love and have missed. You miss the feeling of their body, love, and affection. So, to answer your question s*x and the need for companionship go hand and hand. You get to have your emotional intimacy as well as having your physical needs fulfilled!

  9. Are you SURE you don't have a single sister living in my area of the country?

    I dare to dream...

    I dare to dream...


  10. It's a combination of both, I think. Sure, you haven't been laid in two weeks, but you also haven't kissed or hugged or touched your partner in two weeks, either, so the first thing you want to do is s***w each other's brains out, then hold each other and cuddle and enjoy being together again.

  11. Normal behavior.  

  12. Whoa bella! If it was me i'd be pretty bummed out if my husband didn't want to have wild s*x after being away for a while! Consider yourself lucky!  

  13. I know what you are talking about.   I love my husband very much and just to smell his body or look into his eyes drives me nuts...

    When to people are in love with each other the wanting of sexual desire is more passionate then when two people don't love each other..

    These ding dongs.. don't get the question!!!..

    Cause they don't have passion!

  14. I think you're overthinking. In marriage, s*x will get you through days when companionship is a bit soft, and companionship will get you through days when s*x is not quite the thing. But I understand your question. There are relationships that are running just on s*x and relationships that are running just on companionship. You're worried that yours is one of the former. If you're reasonably young, s*x is a really big thing, because it's a frequent expression of the relationship. Do not - repeat NOT - worry that you're having too much s*x. Worry if there's nothing else or if it's the only intimacy you have between you. By that, I mean you ought to be intimate with ideas and thoughts and should be really present with each other, in and out of bed.

    And you absolutely have to be able to talk about concerns - like this one. Tell him what you did here. I'll bet he tells you you're just so s**y he can't help but think about you that way. Remember that men don't tend to have the kind of doubts you're talking about here. It may not automatically occur to him that you need some intimacy that's not about s*x. Here's a chance to learn somethings, both of you, by talking about differences.  

  15. It's like this. You haven't eaten in days. Then there's a banquet in front of you. Are you just as happy smelling it or would you be happier stuffing your face?

    There's nothing wrong with wanting each other in the worst way. In fact, it's a good sign.

  16. i think that if you're that into each other, and actually are in love with one another and one leave and comes back, then obviously making love upon their return would be AMAZING....but at the same time, the same kind of love can also be shared by just seeing them come back and holding them in your arms...

    i think that if you really do love one another, then sometimes even holding your significant other is more pleasing than the most awesome s*x that the 2 of you can have...they are incredibly different actions...but being in the company of the one you love whether holding, embrasing, kissing, or making love all make you feel out of this word!!!

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