
An offer of 25 million to the person who can come up w/a strategy to remove carbon dioxide frm the atmosphere?

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Isn't this a small prize for asking someone to save the entire world?




  1. It is...   but this is already a partial offer since it excludes solutions which can counterbalance global warming by other ways like reducing the solar radiation or increasing the albedo.

  2. Wish people would stop all the hype on global warming.

    The fact of the matter is that it is 'not' mankind causing the situation we are in all has to do with the what has been happening with our Sun for the last 40 years, and, due to the protective belt that the Earth sits in.

    Millions of years ago that protective belt was larger and wider, and the planet Mars was within its protection...needless to say today it is not, and hasn't been for many years...therefore the life there, all life there, died out.

    Now what happened to Mars is slowly but surely happening to Earth, as it is also now just being protected by the belt, and so what we are now experiencing is the culmination of happenings on our Sun, and the Earth slipping away from being, nothing, and i mean nothing, can stop what is happening re global warming...and eventually, nothing, and i mean nothing, will stop the Earth ending up like the planet Mars.....End Of.

  3. Considering the path we are taking to endanger the world, it is a tidy sum of money to offer to save the world.

    Is that before or after taxes....!

  4. i heard back in the day, there was ALOT carbon dioxide in the air, more than today

    no carbon dioxide= global freezing

    waht if the average tempeture droped 3 degrees, winters last a little longer next year it will drop another degree, then winters last a small bit longer, then next year and another and guess what happens

  5. All that has to be done is a cut back on emissions to the point of carbon cycle balance with a reduction in atmospheric concentration over time.

  6. Stop burning fossil fuels.

    Please send cheque.

  7. Consider oceanographer John Martin's famous 1991 quip at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, "Give me a half a tanker of iron and I will give you another ice age," [see link]

    Phytoplankton provides 98% of the world's oxygen, removes about that much CO2 and thrives when iron is added.

    It's called the Geritol Effect (remember the TV ad, "one a day plus iron?) and it looks very promising!

  8. Sorry it has already been done . Guess he needs to pay God because it was his idea to put plants here on earth.

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