
An office lady at my kids high school is s******g us up.?

by  |  earlier

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I was trying to register my kid in high school. While I was speaking to the registrar, another office lady came by and looked me over, ever since then she has screwed up our information concerning bus transportation and the lunch program. She is still messing us up. My kid didn't get to eat the other day even though she had money in her account. I checked with the principal and he confirmed that she had money in her account. Without provocation, she selected us to be a target of her hatred. Any advice out there? Thanks.




  1. Wow, so sorry that you are going through that especially your child. You may want to go to the school and demand to talk to the principal and if you do not see changes regarding the bus and lunch program (because your child does need to get to & from school and eat during the day) then take it to the school district.

    This is not right at all.

    Good luck to you.

  2. I'd definitely take the issue to the principal. Let him/her know what is going on, don't be too judgemental, it very well could be a general mistake - probably not, but could be. Let him know what has happened so far, and what you think is going on, and politely ask for someone else to handle your son's business at the school.

    Or you may want to confront the woman herself, ask her what the deal is, and ask that she correct it. Good luck!

  3. If you feel you're being targeted, then you should go to the principal's boss. Head on down to the District office and speak with the Director of Secondary education.

    "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." The last thing any District personnel wants to do is deal with an upset parent. Explain that you've tried going to the principal but the situation hasn't resolved itself. That'll be sure to get you some results.  

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