
An old riddle.................?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so there are 3 guys, they are in egypt studying pyramids. they all go into one pyramid. they see 3 doors, the first one says if you enter you will die a watery death. the second door says if you enter you will die a fiery death, and the third door says if you enter you will die a painful death.

so the first guy walks into the first room and takes all the gold. the second guy walks into the second room and takes all the gold, the third guy walks into the third room and takes all the gold.

The first guy goes home. He is outside walking along side his pool and he gets a cramp in his back, he falls in the pool and drowns.

The second guy goes home and decides to barbaque some hamburgers, the grill catches on fire and he burns to death

the third guy is walking home and walks into the middle of the street and gets hit by a car and dies





  1. i dunno........obey or listen to wht the sign says?? tht yu wont suffer any consequences if yu ignore it??

  2. look both ways before you cross the street.

  3. don't go through doors that talk?

  4. umm.....heed all warnings given to you?

  5. Greed is a path of destruction.

  6. No one takes the time to put stuff on egyptian doors just for the fun of it.  And dont be an effin moron when barbequin.

  7. look both ways before you cross the street

  8. if it say you gon die, don't be stealin peoples stuff?

  9. maybe don't take wat doesn't belong to you


  10. Be more careful what you do?.....i would like to know the answer to the riddle.

  11. first. NOT a riddle. Second, the moral is to listen to f^%$ing door signs.

    *Cue Telsa*

  12. are you willing to die for an artificial life?

  13. Egyptians hate tourists?

  14. Haha listen to whats written on doors lol

  15. That everyone dies?

  16. dont go into egyptian pyramids because they tend to lead you astray with gold and cool stuff that you would want

  17. don't walk in the middle of the street or don't take what isn't yours

  18. what i got out of it was- men choose their fates.

  19. Don't study pyramids!!!

  20. Dont mess with texas!  

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