
An older (much older) guy is hitting on me, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Honestly, I've flirted back. He always comes into McDonald's where I work. He always makes a point to talk to me, and last time he visited, he gave me his e-mail address. I sent him an e-mail. He sent one back asking me to come to his place.

Whoah! Way to go fast, sir! Here's the thing: I'm 18, he's in his 50's. I've had many conversations with him, and he's an excellent conversationalist. However, I am not physically attracted to him. In fact, he is kind of gross physically. He smokes and work outside, so he's constantly dirty when he comes to McDonald's. The age is a problem, too. For me, there is no chance of a relationship. If I were to visit him, it would be a sexual thing.

Still, I think he may just want s*x. The first time I saw him, he came to McDonald's with a college age guy. I'm pretty sure he was his current toy. Honestly, I don't want to be his boy toy or booty call. A one time thing will be enough for me.

What should I do? Should I straight up ask his intentions? Should I kind of use him for sexual gratification? I'm not a s**t- really. I've only engaged in sexual activities with one person before, and we were in a relationship.

Please give me some serious advice.




  1. Stay away from the dirty old man.  You do not find him attractive or appealing in any way, so why would you even think of meeting up with him.  Truly, you would be better being in a relationship with someone more your own age.

  2. you got his email right ? just send him another email saying you just wanted too be friends  

  3. I suspect you already know the answer.  my serious advice is stop d!ck teasing this guy.  no one deserves to be used, not even the old.  

  4. tell him you dont want s*x if you want to be friends is that ok

  5. don't do it!  if you're gonna share your body with someone let it be something meaningful!  value yourself!  have higher standards.  be forthright with this guy and send him an e-mail and let him know you just want to be friends.  don't lead him on.  

  6. Go to his house. Don't assume anything. However, if he tries anything on, tell him that you thought you and him were just friends.

    Whilst there is no way that he should be having sexual relations with you, if you don't want them to happen; there is no reason to decimate a perfectly good, intellectual relationship.

  7. Well, stop flirting back, for starters.  Your return flirting initially gave him the green light. So, he will keep trying. If he pressees in meeting, do NOT go over his place.  Met somewhere public at first and be pretty direct that friendship is all you're after.

  8. In one sentence you state he grosses you out and you describe him as being "dirty" and the fact you do not like it that he smokes. However you go on to say you may consider having s*x with him for self gratification. You are confusing me.  I would suggest you leave the situation alone and not send mixed signals.

  9. Honestly, you should read what you wrote before you put it online...  You say you don't want to be (his) boi toy or booty call but you're willing to do a 'one-timer' and 'use' him for your sexual gratification which pretty much 'pegs' being someone most people wouldn't be interested in...well, except as a 'boi toy' or a 'one nighter'...  And the part about if you did visit him it would only be 'a sexual thing'...what's THAT...  You really do 'paint' yourself as a pretty unsavory character...  It sounds like he may not be aware of 'your' character...

  10. You should just tell him that he's not you're type. Sometimes there's the right occasion to let someone down hard. He shouldn't have been so "fast" with you in the first place.


  11. Since you're not interested, you made your first mistake by responding to the Email.

    Do not compound the problem further by even agreeing to meet anyplace other than work.  Do not even suggest that you be friends.  He is your CUSTOMER, not your friend.  You may have already violated some of the policies of your employer by developing a personal relationship with a customer.

    Cool your jets!

  12. Make sure he is aware of the fact that it is to be a one time deal.  Be honest upfront and it should go well.

    Good luck.  : )

  13. ok....y would u talk to him?


    u dont wanna sleep with the gross older guy but one time sure u would...?


    how can we help u when we dont really know wat u want?

    of course he's gonna use u only for s*x and thats it.

  14. you make no sense.

    you say hes gross but you would have s*x with him? that makes no sense. Why would you have s*x with someone you find ugly, gross, and dirty (unless you liked him as a person and wanted a relationshipps which you say you dont)???

    now if he has $$$, then GO FOR IT! Theres nuthin wrong with that. Thats how I got some of my most favorite pairs of shoes, and my most recent car. If they are ok w/it and no u just want a sugar daddy, and they just want a boi toy, then its all good!

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