
An online project covering all art forms. What would you like to see?

by  |  earlier

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I have set up a website called Sort Your F*cking Life Out. It was initially aimed at people in their twenties (hence the name!) but I've opened it up to people of all ages who want an artistic challenge. It was only launched a week ago so it is still in it's early stages. I am currently looking for suggestions for the manifesto. Once the manifesto is finished I will be making a call for submissions. If all goes well there will be a live event at some point in the future to celebrate the achievements of the group and showcase involved artists.

The purpose of the project is to create a challenge designed to inspire fresh and original work. The manifesto will be made up of loose "rules" (for example, in music, a rule could be that you have to use five different instruments/sounds).

There will be an overarching ethos that ties the group together. I am updating that this week, but I can tell you that it will be based on the virtual reality in which we live in the noughties (customer services, administration, internet networking etc.) Art may reflect this or rebel against it. It's up to you.

If you would like to join (to eventually make a submission or simply to receive updates on the project as it grows) please check out

And here's my question. What kind of collective/movement would you be interested in joining? What do you feel is the direction art (in all of its forms) needs to move in the new millenium? How can we stay fresh and original?




  1. depression-this is main worry for every body in this world to is spreading to all ages.the best only remedy is -HUMOUR-COMEDY.let different artforms ie.literature,drama,poetry,art,cartoons etc..aim at eradicating depression from minds of all.i hope your project will succeed in it.thanks for innovative idea

  2. I want to see SCULPTURE!!!

  3. try:

    classic comics art

    p**n vs art

    the works of Beckmann

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