
An operative question?

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How, when a mother could: cooking, cleaning home... I think I will need all day to teach and to prepare my teaching...

Sorry for my english, this is my best!




  1. Honestly, you just learn to work everything in.  You prioritize.  Some days, the house doesn't look spotless and you get pizza for dinner.  You learn organizational methods that work for you and you work toward getting your kids to be independent learners, as much as possible.  Also, as they get older, they help take care of the house.

    Homeschooling does not take as long as classroom school, simply because there are not 30 kids in the class.  There are not administrative or discipline issues to deal with.  When you're only teaching a few kids, everything goes a lot faster, and you can get a lot more done.  Many curricula come already planned out and scripted, so it is a lot easier than it would seem.

  2. I am a mother of three children between the ages of 10 months and 10 years.  I also homeschool my children, and do all of the 'normal' duties of wife and mother.  In addition to that, I volunteer at the Center for Birds of Prey.

    Homeschooling does NOT take all day, like public school does.  You do not have redundant tasks such as roll call, there are less interruptions and your class size is smaller.  It makes things much more managable.

    Some homeschoolers use programs that have the lessons already planned out, supply teacher guides and all.  I use one of those programs, but I also make my own alterations.  I usually plan in advance, making sure to note big things well ahead of time and then tending to the fine details as we get closer.  The best time for me to do this is when I am unable to sleep or something.

    While my children need my direct attention for part of their education, they also do a lot of independent work (the 10 year old especially, but my 8 year old also).  While they are busy with their independent work-the reading or worksheets, for instance-I tend to other things, whether it be the baby, cleaning, or lesson plans.

    We have a routine.  That is probably the best help for us!  We do certain chores daily-dishes, sweeping/vaccuming, etc.  We also do a general wipe down/pick up throughout the entire house daily, but we focus on one room a day to deep clean.  It really helps to keep things in order.  

    I hope this helps answer your question.  It is what works for our family.
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