
An "-ology" word meaning "the study of tombs"?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone? My friend's got me stumped.




  1. There is no such word. see for yourself. Check that list of -ologies

  2. no for sure

    it means science in"gracee"

  3. I'm surprised so many here can't figure this one out. The Greek word " Ology" is the "study of" hence a tomb is a burial place so, the study of a burial place would be called tombology, simple.

  4. Archeology?

  5. The word would have to be "taphology."

    "Taphos" is ancient Greek for "tomb" and "logein" is ancient Greek for "to study."  

    A similar word is "taphophilia" [from "taphos," tomb + "philia," attraction, love] which is defined as: "1. An excessive interest in graves and cemeteries. 2. A love or fondness for funerals, graves, and cemeteries. 3. In psychiatry, a morbid attraction to graves and cemeteries"

  6. I vote with the first answer.  Tombology is a great word, whether it is a real word or not.

  7. Tombology. that was hard

  8. Got me stumped...archeology is the study of human cultures.  I can't find anything.  Tell your friend to give it up!!

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