
An someone tell me laods of stuff about skatebaording pls? :)?

by  |  earlier

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Can* Lol sorry.




  1. you can be goofy or you can be regular- this depends on what foot you push with.

    an ollie is where you pretty much jump with the board under you. this is the first thing you should learn after learning to stand, push, and turn.

    kickflips are where you make the board spin underneath you once.

    you can skate vert or you can skate street. but if you skate street you'll invariably hit a tiny little rock and go flying. or you'll get a ticket because cops don't appreciate alternative transportation. and if you skate vert you'll look like an idiot for a few months. luckily skaters are good people and they'll help you out.

    you can buy magazines about skateboarding if you're interested in it as a hobby or if you're trying to impress some skater boy.

    skateboarding has nothing to do with brands. nothing to do with clothes. nothing to do with shoes. Okay it has a little to do with shoes but my friend skates nikes and he skates better than me. i skate a lame deck i got from the flea market and it works fine for me, i just had to replace the berrings.

    trucks are the things that hold the wheels

    wheels are the things that spin

    berrings are the things inside the wheels that make them spin

    you have axels and grip and the deck itself. (the board)

    I'm sorry i'm assuming you know nothing at all, you didn't specify what about....

    as a girl all you really need to get sponsered is to do a pretty high ollie, kickflip, boardslide, shuv-it, manual, and ollie down a four stair or something. then you get free stuff.

    you're already on the internet, go look it up online.

  2. why do u need to know stuff we need reasonz!

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