
An unpalatable truth: Men are superior to women.?

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Sorry ladies but it's true. You cannot seriously deny it. Place under scrutiny any field of human endeavour - arts, sciences, sports, anything! - and you will observe that men are far and away the highest achievers in every case. Almost every worthy and unworthy discovery or invention can be attributed to a member of the male s*x's ingenuity and courage.

Men: Are you proud of your towering and unassailable superiority?

Women: Are you awed by the male s*x's creativity and genius?

Opinions please...




  1. I think that your a tad pathetic, people are trying to move on in the world, and there are people like you dragging us back.

    Things have changed alot for women, why dont you try to look more positively on the change, and stop going back to same old critisisms and theories.

  2. lol time for nap in your cave? loool

    BUT it is true that women rely on men for way to much! we make you think that you are superior... so women are superior because we make you think you are?

    ok now i'm going back, bare footed and pregnant to the kitchen to make you food!  

  3. not worth commenting on, i wouldn't sink to your level

    but thanks for the points

  4. lmao, I used to say things like to this to my feminazi aunts. Sure fire way to get attention :)

    Takes one to know one lol

    Oh but Kelvin is right about the female o****m. All men would love it =D haha

  5. U wrote: "Opinions please..."

    IMO u need 2 crawl back into your cave.

  6. Enjoy palm and her 5 friends

  7. That's funny. That's really funny.

    Did you know that it's a biological fact that men are mere an incomplete and thus less superior form of the female??

    Females have two chromosomes:  XX  (Aah how nice they are)

    Men have one X and one Y. You see, the second X is missing a piece. So you men are merely incomplete females.

    I wonder if the part that you have missing should be in your head, aw you poor sole.  

  8. Are you jealous, as a male, that women can have superior orgasms to us?

    I am.

    Womens orgasms are 66 times more intense than mens. They can reach o****m in more than one place, lasts longer too, and they can multiple ones at once.

    I think all men, including me, would love to experience that? Im not afraid to say it, unlike you Im not an attention seeking moron who needs to put women down so I can feel good about myself as a man  :)

    (Oh and you might want to note that women haven't achieved as much as men in the areas you mentioned because back then they were'nt allowed to work, have black people, g**s, etc...achieved all that stuff either? Nope, you name what the straight white male has achieved only.

    Now for example when it comes to literature, Irish people have won scores more prizes than any other country, does that make Irish people superior to the rest of the world in every aspect? Nope... so you can stop attention seeking now :)

    And a woman discovered the first activity on any other planetry body besides earth (an active volcano on one of Jupiters moons), that's a h**l of a scientific discovery, believe me, if you know anything about astronomy and science you'll know what I mean

  9. I really hope you're a troll.

    However, seeing as there are people of both sexes out there who actually do think that way, I'll say this; women have been systematically pushed into spouse-and-mother roles throughout most of recorded history. My own grandmother was summarily fired from her job when she got married - work outside the home was something women did only until they settled down with a male breadwinner.

    Your observations about the great names of human endeavour mean precisely sod-all without a level playing field - and whilst a lot of progress has been made, that still needs some work and a lot more time before a proper comparison is possible.

    (Sports? Men can keep that. There's no point in denying our physical differences.)

    PS - Sorry, but as I say there are people who genuinely believe the kind of argument put forth in this question. I refuse to see it as indictment of my own sense of humour that I simply don't find this funny.

  10. The only thing I am quite awed by is the absolute idiocy of certain male brains!  I will say that there are men who are superior to women in certain things and then again there are women who are superior to men in certain things.   You absolutely CANNOT make a blanket statement like that because it simply isn't true.

    There is one thing though for you to ponder:  If by some cataclysmic event, women were suddenly gone (poof) from the planet, it wouldn't take long for men to realize just how important we are.  Also, if that were to happen, all of the beauty and sensitivity in this world would suddenly be gone as well.  As a matter of fact, it wouldn't take that long for men to be gone as well - unless with your far-superior intelligence, you can figure out a way to clone yourselves.  So now, who is REALLY far superior???

    (I'm assuming this is your idea of a silly little joke in attempting to get a rise out of us "poor, weak, feeble-minded women".  I sure hope that you aren't serious in this regard and am giving you the benefit of a doubt here.)

  11. as woman i must say that i agree with to to some extent. statistically men are much more successful than women, and i doubt that will ever change. women simply are not that competitive and are not that much driven by public success, they dont strive as much to go upward in society. they are much better in horizontal networking and are proven to be better team mates and support (see in any modern business management book). women also are more sensitive to social environment and make bosses you like working for. and also for every great and recognized man out there there was at least one women that was responsible for making him what he is.


  12. Women live longer (maybe only the good do die young!) and men don't have to sit down to pee. They also don't complain about leaving the toilet seat up.

    Then again, where would we be without them ( a bunch of non-procreating homosexuals maybe!)

    Does sitting down to p**s prolong the lifespan? Plato never answered that one!

    BTW If reincarnation works, I want to come back as a L*****n.

    Apart from that, men usually use the spell check function.

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