
Anaesthetic + Epinephrine? (Adrenaline)?

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What happens if you got a shot of Anaesthetic and a shot of Epinephrine? (Adrenaline)

What would happen to your body?




  1. You would end up in a coma because of the sleep and the fact that adrenaline would increase your heart beat and beta waves of the brain. You might experience struggling dreams because of epinephrine and sleepwalking^_^

  2. "Anaesthetic" is not a drug.  It could be any of a number of drugs.

    Local anesthetics (numbing medicines) are frequently combined with epinephrine to prolong their duration of action.  (LA vasodilate, and the epi vasoconstricts, so the drug is absorbed more slowly)  Epi can be added to spinal drugs to make the spinal last longer.  (There may also be some anesthetic effect of the epi)

    We also use epinephrine drips in cardiac anesthesia sometimes.  It's not a good sign.  

    In order to fully explain what epi does in the context of anesthesia would take more time than I have right now.

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