
Anakin/Lucifer, Vader/Satan, Luke/Jesus, Mary/Leia, Emperor/Unholy Father,Yoda/Holy Father,HG/Light,UHG/Dark?

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Now do you see any similarities with the Bible?

or do some of you still think Lucas was only writing from Buddhism?

GOD>...The Force...or maybe the Light?

HG...Holy Ghost

UHG...Unholy Ghost

Trinity....Son/Father/Holy Ghost.... Luke/Yoda/Light

Unholy Trinity...Son/Father/Unholy Ghost... Vader/Emperor/Dark SIde

The False Prophet....The Emperor as the Senator

The Catalyst to Armegeddon....Anakin/Vader...

okay...Mary/Leia a stretch, like probably all of about the feminine/Leia...masculine/Luke

Yes..i do know that Anakin..(before he was Vader), was the father of, Anakin..when he was not yet on the Dark Side was teh Father.

Who do you think Kenobi was?....CP3O...etc?

I do sound like a

just wanna make you THINK

eh eh eh (yoda chuckles)




  1. more or less, you are trying to frame the movie-characters in a religious structure similarity

  2. After a while it all seems more like science fiction. That's the similarity. Yoda might be more like John the Baptist.

  3. All action movies are a case of good vs. evil.  You could make the same comparisons for any movie.

  4. I do not get the point ??!

  5. lmao This is just funny to me. I like the way you think...We are out

  6. Actually Ive made this comparison many times. Matrix is another movie very much based on the bible.

    Here is another star wars analogy......Fairy Tale

    At least the first movie, Star Wars, aka Episode 4 fits the classic quintessential fairy tale mold.

    Starting with the classic fairy tale start "Once upon a time in a land far far away........"

    A dark knight (in this case a space knight) captures the beautiful princess and throws her in a dungeon. The white knight must go and rescue her, and stop the dark knight in his sinister plan which threatens the rest of the kingdom.

    Lucas made that movie so it would stand alone, he didnt think he would get funding to make the rest of them.

  7. Lucifer wasn't Jesus' father

  8. Don't know of any of them.I've got to see the movies though!

  9. quit ruining movies by trying to apply it to religion! accept it as just a good story

  10. Star Wars is a fairy tale.  Put it in medieval terms:\

    -The Wizard (Obi Wan Kenobi)

    -The Captive Princess (Leia)

    -The Peasant Hero (Luke)

    -The Swashbuckling Pirate (Han)

    -The Friendly Monster (Chewbacca)

    -The Hermatic Warrior King (Yoda)

    -The Evil Sorcerer (Vader)

    -The Sorcerer's Fortress (The Death Star)

    -The Sorcerer's Minions (Stormtroopers)

    -The Magic Wand (Lightsaber)

    I won't go on, but it's a fairy tale set in space.  It has nothing to do with any religion.

    And no; you sound like a "dork", not a "nerd".  A "nerd" knows everything about something useful, like computer programming or accounting.  A "dork" knows everything about something stupid and irrelevant, like Star Wars.  And so from one dork to another, I salute you!

  11. Technically, since anakin didn't have a father (he was concieved of the force) then anakin's mom would be Mary, Anakin would be Jesus before baptism, Darth Vader would be Jesus after baptism, the force would be the holy spirit (from which mary conceived and from which JC derived the power to do miracles). That would just about position Palpatine to be God and Yoda to be the devil.

    Of course, that means that the good/bad roles have all been reversed.

  12. There is always going to be similarities in a lot of movies to religions. It is just how you want to interpret it. It simply is the battle of good and evil. Many people understandably find that easy to compare to what is said in the bible. So yes there are similarities in the bible with this, but no i would not say it is based on things in the bible. Lucas grow up Catholic, so I am sure there was at least a little influence from that.

  13. OMG.

    Anybody who's anybody *knows* that dude came from another planet...duh. None of his stuff has anything to do with the Bible; just let it go.

  14. Keep taking the medication. You may need to double the dose. Consult your doctor.


  15. Satan is just another name for Lucifer.

  16. They're called archetypes.....

  17. I'm sure Lucas had many influences, but you'll have more luck with this type of question if you post it under Entertainment/Movies.

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