Now do you see any similarities with the Bible?
or do some of you still think Lucas was only writing from Buddhism?
GOD>...The Force...or maybe the Light?
HG...Holy Ghost
UHG...Unholy Ghost
Trinity....Son/Father/Holy Ghost.... Luke/Yoda/Light
Unholy Trinity...Son/Father/Unholy Ghost... Vader/Emperor/Dark SIde
The False Prophet....The Emperor as the Senator
The Catalyst to Armegeddon....Anakin/Vader...
okay...Mary/Leia a stretch, like probably all of about the feminine/Leia...masculine/Luke
Yes..i do know that Anakin..(before he was Vader), was the father of, Anakin..when he was not yet on the Dark Side was teh Father.
Who do you think Kenobi was?....CP3O...etc?
I do sound like a
just wanna make you THINK
eh eh eh (yoda chuckles)