
Analyze my treatise on happiness and suffering?

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What you knew before you were born is what you will know after you die. Let's call the word "oblivion, and let's call a baby a "rock". We as human beings are a form of bastardized water and full of hot oxygen, without getting too scientific.

Life, Death, Happiness, Suffering. These are the things that make us human. Not one person alive was asked to be born. We are left holding the cards that life dealt us, for good or bad. Since we have covered Life and Death, that is, Obama and McCain, we can move on now with Suffering and Happiness.

Suffering is inherint to man. Happiness is brief. Should we curse fate that life was brought to us if this is the case? Again, not one of us was asked to be brought into this world. And indeed, it is easier to die than to live, says Hermanne Hesse. The answer to ease suffering is faith. Faith can be easily defined as a belief in something false to bring about one minute (give or take) of elation. People have faith because they fear death even though it is the biggest part of life, and much time and money is spent preparing for it. This fear is used against the people by those of the same species for promise of eternal life by men appointed by other men usually clad in ceremonial garbs, taught to act holier than thou, and in constant struggle with themselves as to not want to touch little children. Hence, sin is inside of all men, so we try to wash ourselves clean so we may be nearer to God, or get as close as possible for the hope of eternal bliss, because we suffer a natural depression.

Eternal life. When thought about this subject, it can bring the most briefness of laughter. Eternal death makes more sense. We are

born to suffer depression, suffer disease, commit violent acts, and in rare moments experience emotions out of our control to procreate a new generation of sufferers. Happiest we are when we bring a new life to the light of the world (a rock) down to this earth to be carved in our image, suffer, to be sad, and diseased; wash rinse, spin, and hung out to dry. (repeat process).

The smile is brief as is happiness, and an abnormal position for facial muscles. Some smilers have reported pain for using these muscles for smiling overmuch. Of these perpetual smiles by robot models, a device was invented to freeze time for the vanity of perpetuity. A large percentage are insencere, and can be sensed by another under certain circumstances rendering the overall silliness not only insignificant, but can provoke hostile intent towards the smilee, as it can be taken as a smirk.

Laughter, the best medicine. We'll get back to the medicine part later. Laughter is all too brief, and can be mistaken for happiness, because a laughable situation must be present. This too can turn violent if the laugher is laughing at a laughing stock.

True laughter can be identified by laugh lines. These are wrinkles at the corner of the eyes. Some people are just laughy, and these folks can be mistaken for madmen resulting in kuru, days long ago. Just as bad are the happy-go-lucky types, which can also be despised to the point of a thrashing. True happiness is fleeting, and soon after this moment, we are returned to our normal state of inner suffering and thoughts of woe. Few are never returned to this state of normalcy, best put to the words of Edgar Allan Poe in a poem: "Through the pale door, A hideous throng rush out forever, And laugh but smile no more."

To be happy is rare, and those blessed enough to be happy have searched long for such a state. So happiness is again, unnatural. Even the author of this treatise is trying to tell the truth in a felicitous way.

Do not fear death. It is more a part of life than love and hate combined. A part of life then, is love. It doesn't hurt to keep faith in Heaven and life eternal, and it takes that weekly visit, or 'fix' to reaffirm that belief has a drop of joy in an ocean of suffering.

Others seek happiness through chemical means. That faith in substance abuse brings a moment of pure joy followed by longer moments of utter depair in search of that piece, or peace of cruel happiness that feels so good it needs to be fed again and again. No one is getting out alive, and possibly no one is getting out alive if Sir Isaac Newton is correct, and I don't think he's been wrong yet. But, I believe no one truly expects to have eternal happiness and love. Let's face the facts, no one is rising to Heaven to live in paradise for eternity, and no one is going to pay the boatman to cross the Styx on the final journey to the fearful pit to have a conversation with Virgil, who can do nothing but tell stories, or cross the barrier into h**l with a warning sign so frightening by Dante Alighieri that says "Abandon all hope ye who enter here". In fact, that sign should be posted on the exit of the uterus.




  1. i think you did a very good job. i like what you express in it. the beginning is very well placed, it gets your attention right from the start and invited you to reflection.

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