
Analyze the circumstances to determine and employ the appropriate?

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small and large animal handling and restraint.





  1. Too little info to employ the appropriate restraint.

    What circumstances? What small and large animal? What procedure is being done? What is the temperament or behavior of the animal?

    Small animal- depending on the animal and/or procedure the restraint could be the same it could be different. The way you restrain a medium sized dog is not the same way you restrain a rabbit or a bird. However depending on the procedure they might be restrained in similar ways. For example, if they needed surgery they would all be anesthetized.

    Large animal- Again, depending on the animal and/or procedure the restraint could be the same it could be different. For cattle you might need a chute; the same procedure on a horse might only require that the horse stand still, depending on the behavior of the horse. And again, depending on the procedure they might be restrained in similar ways. For example, if they needed surgery they would both be anesthetized. Zoo animals might need to be anesthetized for a lot of procedure to reduce stress and strain on the animal and because of the potential danger to the vet staff, ex. an adult tiger.

    Animal Restraint for Veterinary Professionals

    C.C.Sheldon, Teresa Sonsthagen, James A. Topel

    Pg 2

    Why Learn Restraint Techniques?

    Veterinary medicine is dedicated to the preservation of the health and well-being of animals. As in human medicine, this involves a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. But unlike human patients, veterinary patients are not willing to have blood samples drawn or to hold perfectly still for radiographs, and sometimes even resent being touched! Therefore, as veterinary professionals, we must learn how to properly restrain our patients.

    Restraint means hold back, check, or suppress action; to keep something under control; or to deprive of physical freedom. Various degrees of patient restraint can be used to allow the veterinary medical team to examine, treat, and perform supportive procedures as prescribed by the veterinarian. Restraint in its mildest form is a gentle touch and a soft voice. For example, when first meeting a canine patient, you need to start with a soft stroke to the head and a gentle hello. This will go a long way in gaining the animal's trust.

    In its moderate form, restraint can involve confinement in a corral, box stall, or cage that limits the animal's movement or may be as restrictive as immobilizing a portion of the animal's body, as is necessary for jugular venipuncture. Restraint in its most restrictive form can be as involved as causing a reduction or complete loss of muscular control through the use of chemicals such as tranquilizers, sedatives, and general anesthetics.

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