
Analyze the ways in which americans implemented republican principles in their homes and famile.....?

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The full question is analyze the ways in which americans implemented republican principles in their homes and familes during and after the American Revolution. This is for AP Us History so if you could help me that would be grand!




  1. They teach that they are separate from others.

  2. The lies and misinformation perpetrated by the Republicans over the past 40 years have been the only thing which make us less than we could have been.

    Imagine: Everyone Educated with minimum of 14 yrs.

                   Care centers for all elderly regardless of their incomes.

                   Universal single payer free health care for all

                   Well maintained highways and bridges

                    State of the art Transportation safety

                    Growing enough food to feed those who can't.

                     A world without war.

                     A defense budget which was for DEFENSE only

                     Freedom of religion or atheism.

                      Less people in our Jails not more.

                       Leading the free world in manufactured goods.

                      Leading the world in Peace.

                      Sharing our abundance

  3. The three guiding principles of the Republican Party can be summarized as:

    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!

    Life is held sacred above all else to the Republicans. Life is the essential ingredient to all human rights issues. The only exceptions to this. . .

    is if someone commits such a heinous act against humanity that life must be protected for all time from this individual. Very few are ever condemned to death except in exceptionally heinous cases!

    And in times of War to protect the people and the nation's sovereinty.

    Liberty is essential in a Representative Democracy. The people must be free as guaranteed under their Constitution. The Constitution is very explicit in the guaranteed rights of its citizens. Changes to the Constitution should only be made by Legislators selected by the people, never through the Courts who are unelected judges.

    Pursuit of Happiness guarantees that all should be free to pursue their dreams. Government should not obstruct or interfere with the pursuit of ones individual dreams, including confiscate the fruits of one's labor in an attempt at governmental equalization. A free society is guaranteed only through the principles of Capitalism, for it is the only form of economics that allows the "individual himself", or rugged individualism to determine his success and acquired wealth. Note that the "pursuit of happiness" is guaranteed. Not the guarantee of sitting back and being given "happiness"!

  4. The US educational system is designed for the application of the republican principles in families.

  5. I believe that with the publication of Emerson's "Self Reliance", you see the implementation of republican principles as they had been taught by families after the revolution.

    If you read it you will understand a great deal about how we became the country we are.

    You can find it on the web, and print it out for yourself.  It is worth reading, learning, and using for the rest of your life, or you can wait and hope someone will just give you the answer, and not learn anything.

    Your Choice, Your Education.

  6. Listen buddy, when I was in HS we had to do our own homework and we didn't cheat and have the internet.

    My best answer is that Republican's are conservative and believe in the home and family and religious values and freedom of speech and all that jazz.

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