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How do doctors apply anasthesia to a patient? do they use an IV needle or am injection? How do they get it in the body? I need to know cuz im writin a book. dont ask. and plz answer with lots of info, i need the most i can get. :)




  1. General anesthesia in adults is almost always started with IV meds and then after the patient is asleep, gases are started to maintain anesthesia.

    We use 5-10 different IV meds in an average GA, plus the gases.  It took me years to learn how to give anesthesia, and I really can't tell you everything here - there just isn't enough room.

    Here's an answer I gave a long time ago that goes through a typical case:;...

  2. The amount they use  (and what type) is determined by your weight and any health issues in the past.

    The actual dose is administered through in IV, into the back of the hand or the arm.

  3. They will sometimes use a gas like methyl ethyl ether, but that is only for short procedures because too much can cause brain damage. They do this through a mask and you take a deep breath. Next thing you know you waking up and its done.

  4. iv. Sometimes they will give you a needle to make you

    calm while you are waiting to go to the o.r. but most of the time it is just by IV and  then they tell you to count bewards from 100. You get to like 98 and you are out.
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