
Ancestors of the Reid-Simonds family that lived in and around Bradford PA?

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Franklin James Reid who died in 1971 was married to Gertrude Simonds who died in 1998 any one with info on either names, please email me. I know only of a few members and would like to know more.




  1. There are two Franklins in the census.  Do you have a birth date?

  2. They aren't living in McKean County in 1930 that I can see. Her obituary isn't in the collection I subscribe to.

    They aren't in Find a

    They aren't in Obit

    He could have been a randy old 80-year old who married a busty 20-year old and died happy a year later; she could have died too young at age 48. They could have married at age 18 in 1970, right out of high school, and he got killed in Viet Nam a year later. Those are both extreme examples. They are both physically possible. They could have been born in 1899 and 1903, respectively, or 1909 and 1911. Those two are more reasonable. Trying to estimate their ages from their death dates is possible, but you get broad ranges - 1871 - 1955 for him and 1898 - 1956 for her.

    The chance of someone who actually knew them seeing your question in the 4 - 5 days it stays open is nil. If you provide more information some complete stranger who doeesn't even live in Pennsylvania may help you just for the fun of it.

    More info would be what county the town is in, so we don't have to look it up and when they were born (even a birth decade would help).

    Their obituaries would help you, but they don't seem to be on-line. That means you'd have to either visit the library, send the library a small donation and an SASE or post a request on a real genealogy board. Write if you'd like tips on any of those methods.

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