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Where are your ancesters from? And what languages do you speak? I speak Spanish. And my ancestors are from Cuba.




  1. I speak English and my ancesters are from, USA, Canada, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Russia, Ireland and more counties that I can't think of at this moment.

  2. well, see, i speak english, and took some french back in middle school. My ancestors ... are from Northern Italy, Austria, and I'm still figuring the rest out with Czechoslovakia,  it's all confusing!!!

  3. I speak english and my ancestors are from Wales, England

  4. I speak English,Spanish and Portuguese and if I'm not mistaking I believe my ancestors are from parts of Brazil, Canada and the US

  5. I'm 1/8 cherokee and that's all I'm sure of. My grandmother's side is Irish and the other grandmothers german. My grandfather is british in decent.

  6. my mother is from Cuba my Grandmother is from Spain my Dads side of the family came from all over Europe.My children and I speak spanish

  7. I speak English and my ancestors as far back as 1615 were born mainly in Nottinghamshire  England, there are NONE so far born outside of England.

  8. I speak just plain old American English. My ancestors are from every country in Europe, some of the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Native Americans...
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