
Anchorage Daily News slams Palin's lies?

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You'd think they would cut their Gov some slack, but even they couldn't take the BS from this 'woman'




  1. There will be more dirt brought up on a daily basis.  The party will cover up as much as they can.  Sanitizing sheet is something the PNAC does very well, they have had quite a bit of experience doing it during the past eight years.

  2. She's a political w***e,look how she tried to hide her family secrets

  3. Let me try to help you understand. Republicans don't deal in facts, it's all about image. My one and only brother is THE perfect example. He'll steal you blind if you give him the chance and he's such a 'nice guy', most people give him plenty of opportunity. He's a 'businessman' and it's just business, nothing personal.

    It's all about beliefs for republicans, facts play no part in their reality.

  4. liar, liar pants on fire!

    why should they capitulate to her lies?


  5. I would think they would cut her some slack as she is putting alaska on the map ,no one gives a ratz azz about Alaska ,anyway apparently her speech was written by the TOP BUSH SPEECH WRITER that's not Karl Rove ,Palin delivered a great hard core neo con war drum speech her lies will live on forever as defeat comes to the GOP in 9 weeks .. chow MI MISTRESS yours DINO

  6. The sad thing is, there are women who will be voting for her because she's a mother, a woman...

    We'll see how this changes, but here's the results of a national poll that shows she's not doing that well with women.

  7. Hes actually going to help the people. I'm from Hawaii, republicans know how to mess up things and we need to fix the economy. Elect a Dem.  McCain/Palin doesn't really think  for the people of all race and culture. ?Am I a racist?

  8. absolutely ridiculous

  9. I read the link and if this is the worse that she has done she is a shoe-in.

  10. How much truth will be brought out about this puppet of the Republican party from now until Nov. 4?

  11. ohhh....Douchesss...stop whining...

    you are starting to sound like Obama

  12. Don't all politicians embellish and stretch the truth to make themselves look better than they are?

    I believe it's a requirment when you go into politics.

  13. I had to stop watching her speech last night when she flat out lied about earmark spending.  

  14. She is a fraud.  The locals know best.  Wish someone would check with Arizona again concerning McCain.

  15. And we need facts why?

  16. Gee that is depressing. If we can't trust "Joan of Anchorage", who can we trust?

    Sarah Palin is a neocon in disguise !

    [The members of the Council for National Policy are the hidden hand behind McCain's Palin pick. With her selection, the Republican nominee is suddenly -- and unexpectedly -- assured of the support of a movement that once opposed his candidacy with all its might. Case in point: while Dobson once said he could "never" vote for McCain, he issued a statement last week hailing Palin as an "outstanding" choice. If Dobson's enthusiasm for Palin is any indication, he may soon emerge from his bunker in Colorado Springs to endorse McCain, providing the Republican nominee with the backing of the Christian right's single most influential figure.]

    The Republicans are being had, and we are next.

    (nice snag by the way)

  17. Perhaps it was what God told her to say?

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