
Ancient AIRCRAFT on the WALLS OF EGYPTIAN TOMB..........???

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  1. This is very possibe. Or it could be our aircrafts today. many Ancient Egyptians had "the Gift" and could see things, they were also very well trained at scrying. Thier secrets may never be released. They have such powerful curses, what do you think sunk the titanic and started WW II? If you look around, you can also find pictures of heiroglyphics of Light bulbs.

    Nobody has the imagination to create their gods and figures out of thin air. they were truly gifted.

  2. Problem is that humans are science fiction writers from the get-go.  Even Easter Island, and South America have writers.  I cannot go to Barns and Nobel expecting everything there to be fact.  And yet, now that these things do exist right now...someone had the right idea way back then.

  3. There are words ! not ancient air craft !

  4. Dude, don't waste to much time pondering over this one, nobody really has any idea. I, as well as most people are fascinated with the mysteries surrounding the pyramids and yes it is true that even with the technology we have today we could not recreate the pyramids. "Freaky"

  5. I think it's pretty silly. For example, the author found a disk shaped glyph and concluded it was a flying spaceship. Wha?? What you've got here is pattern-matching. We are taking drawings we don't understand and fitting our modern-day ideas to them, not altogether different from finding faces in clouds.

    See the link below. In addition to imaginative pattern matching, these glyphs have eroded, and have been filled in and re-etched  and eroded, etc.

  6. That was ancient technology that the giants had. The Pharaoh Imhotep was a son of the serpents (fallen angels) he came from Amenti which is Atlantis. When Atlantis was destroyed the remnant (survivors of Atlantis) settled in Egypt bringing those people civilization and technology. The hieroglyphics is a depiction of the technology they used they had spaceships and all kind of stuff.the Egyptian djedi was a electric conductor rod. The djedhi was a race of giants who came from Amenti. The had the technology. Ray Shooting Caduces and Hand Gadget Stargates. The word Djedi  (JEDI) is where the Starwars director got the idea from! Thoth who was the same as Enoch said that he was a ruler of Atlantis and when it was destroyed he and some of the sons of the serpent took a spaceship and landed in Khem which is (the real name of Egypt). He also said in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth that he buried the spaceship in the place of the Gizeh pyramid before he built it around some 36,000 thousand years ago.

    And this is why people say Yahweh ( God) flies inside spaceships. Because in the Old Testament they even speak about spaceships and flight. The Mahabharata speaks about the gods as well flying in Vimanas.

    Old Testament says:

    their is nothing knew under the sun Ecc 1:9..

  7. I was just told a story this weekend which seems to relate.  This person believes the reason there are all similar pyriamids in different parts world (egypt, mexico, South America, Philipines?) and the reason their are space craft pictures and pictures of humanoid type creatures on the walls and such shows the proof of what this person believes was an ancient race of snake people.  This he says is why the ancient egyptian kings worked to elongate their skulls to mirror this race.  He states bodies of egyptians with these elongated skulls have been found and says a body has been found with a naturally elongated skull that does not appear of human descent.  He says all civilizations have a snake represented in their ancient cuture and that we stem from these snake people??????

    Phone conversation that did not last to long so that was all I got

    I have to do my own research before I can believe anything but I do not believe we are the only planet with intelligent life...the number of planets out there make that mathematically unlikely


  8. I think its very interesting, but we cannot say what they were thinking as we were not there to witness any of it, strange coincidences abound in the world. I also wonder why all of the great painters placed saucer images into their paintings as well. Who knows maybe we are "Alien Nation" a bunch of disorderly slaves set free on a hostile world, the whole time the overseers saying "that'll learn em" lol

    The one in particualr that gets me is the helicopter on the tomb wall, got mixed opinions about the one they say is a light bulb though, could be a snake....never know.

  9. Shear co-incidence that smoothly stylized phonetic

    symbols resemble aircraft.

    The rest of the characters aren't pictographs are they?

  10. I've seen a bit of video produced by an actual expert in Egyptian hieroglyphics indicating there were several layers on that wall and what resembles a helicopter is a bit from all three layers.  In other words, it's a happy accident.

    Here is a website explaining:

    Please read it.

  11. Pretty amazing--the jury is still out. Our technological achievements even 2000 years ago are now blowing minds. If the library at Alexandria hadn't been repeatedly burned, the world may have had aircraft 1000 years ago. No kidding! No wonder the world suffered a 'dark age'--we did it to ourselves!

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