
Ancient Africans.............?

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what are the ancient African Empires in order? what countries top 5 countries are ancient do you think in order? who do you think the ancient Nubians were? please cool answer only!

Thank you.




  1. This is a very interesting subject.

    "The Kingdom of Kush (also called Nubia - the Land of Gold) was located on the Nile River, to the south of ancient Egypt. Nubia was known as the Land of the Bow because their archers were expert and fierce. "

    "As more and more traders braved the Trans-Sahara Trade Route, bringing spices and silks to Ghana, and taking gold in trade, the Kingdom of Ghana flourished. Ghana and other West African kingdoms soon became collectively known as The Gold Coast. "

    "1230 CE, Ghana collapsed and Mali took over."

    Under the direction of Mansa Musa, a university was built at Timbuktu, a city on the Trans-Sahara Trade Route, in ancient Mali.  This university became a famous center of learning. People came from all over to study there."

    "As Mali weakened, Songhay started to take over."

    "At its height, Songhay stretched over 2,000 miles."

    "The ancient kingdom of Benin began way back in BCE times. They were not conquered until the 1800's."

    "the people of Benin sent their art out all over the world."

    I have used a site for kids because it was straightforward and I wanted to leave it for you as it has games and fables, see Anansi, those stories are a favorite of mine. They became "Auntie" stories in the southern US.


  3. i have heard of Ghana( north of present Ghana),Mali,Songhay, and Kanem-Bornu in western Africa. I heard of the Congo Kingdom in central Africa. I have heard of Zimbabwe kingdom of Shona people in southern Africa. I heard of the Swahili peopleof East Africa. Nubia was also known as Meroe. wish i coulds say more but cannot detail now more sorry

  4. This is exactly the way it was

    1. Ethiopians ruled almost all of Africa (from 15,000BC  until the era of the Egyptian pharaohs when invaded by Arabs). They rules modern day Ethiopia, all of North Africa, and East African, Horn of Africa, all the way down to Rwanda. Where the Tsutsis rules. This was a huge Habesha kingdom, where castles were built.  These people were Afro-Semitic.  Under the Abesha kingdom (aka Axum, Abysinnia, Phoenicia, Nubians, old world Egyptians, Dravidians, Hebrews, etc.) the Sphinx was built along with the Obelisk. Modern day Habesha people live in the Horn of Africa, (Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and in parts of Sudan, they make up the Tsutsi population. They no longer live in India (to the best of my knowledge).

    2. Southern African kingdoms did exist. They stretched from Rwanda, down to modern day South Africa. They were Hamitic. These people were hunter and gatherers. They built grand temples, but these temples were floored by the modern day Congolese populations. (These Congolese populations over took the Southern African people and intermixed with them. It is believed that the Southern African populations looked most similarly to Alek Wek's tribe. They were very tall, wiry, and deep complected. They were excellent hunters.) These people live in Sudan, and all over South Eastern Africa and Kenya.

    3.The Congo population ruled the Congo all the way to West Africa. These people are the Bantu people. They are Hamitic.  They built the great kingdoms of West Africa, but alot of these kingdoms crumbled with the rise of polytheistic religions which did away with written languages and leveled alot of the castles.  These polytheistic people can be found today in Togo, Nigeria, the Ivory Coast and Benin, and in most parts of Africa---where the Habesha people do not live. They also went out and populated the British Isles, 1,000 years before the arrival of the Anglo-and Germanic peoples of Europe. They were pushed to the outskirts (modern day Ireland) by the Anglo-and Germanic people. These people became the modern day Irish. Welsh people are not descended from Congolese and West African people. They are closest related to North African Moor populations. Moors are a mixture of Arab and Southern African Hamitic. As far as Germanic and Northern European people go, they  are the newest people, because blonde hair/ blue (light) eyes are new additions to human beings. African people are the oldest populations. The oldest of the African populations are the Ethiopian (Abesha populations). The reason that all races can trace little bits of Ethio genes, is because Ethiopians (Abesha) were the first people. Then they spread out in Africa, physically adapted to various African climates-mutated, left Africa, and kept changing genetically ever since.

    4. Khoisian people, lived in South Western  Africa and were stationary. It is unknown whether they built castles, but they did have a vast settlement. And went unconquered, until Europeans arrived. Khoisians live in the same place. But many went and spread to Asia, and are believed to be the forerunners of modern day East Asians.

    These were the 4 great Indigenous African Kingdoms.

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