
Ancient Civilizations!?

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1. I am having trouble figuring out the characteristics of the first civilizations 5, 000 years ago (especially in Mespotamia)?

What makes these groups "civilized" as opposed to prehistoric people? Also what is the difference between civilized and prehistoric people?

2. What was the importance of religion in the first civilzation?




  1. 1)

    First stage of civilization = urban settlements centered around priest kingship?  

    Agriculture replacing mere hunting/gathering to create surplus to support non-producting "ruling" priestly class?

    Redistributive economy as opposed to mere reciprocity with a ruling class (usually well-versed in astronomy) conducting sacrificial rituals?  

    Centralized state and bureaucracy?



    Religion as legitimating priest kingship as mirroring the structure of the universe? (Priest-King is center of civilization resembling sun-god?)

    I´m not a specialist!

  2. its hard to tell but the people in Mespotamia

    would have had black hair brown eyes and olive skin

  3. 1.  According to webster's dictionary, the definition of being "civilized" is that of "Reclamed from savage life and matters; instructed in arts, learning, and civil manners; refined; cultivated."  Indeed, 5,000 years ago, Mesopotamia and Egypt would be considered civilized.  Some characteristics (specifically in mesopotamia, Egypt as well) would include law, development of writing (pictograms, phonograms, etc.), society, agrarian economies, development of sciences, development in architecture, and military.

    2. Religion in the early religions were nearly inseparable from day to day life.  It also provided answers to philosophical questions such as "who are we? how did we get here? where are we?"  It provided meaning to everyday life, as well as an explanation to all kinds of phenomenon.

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