
Ancient Egyptians were Semites???

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I believe the egyptians were closer to ******* then Caucasions. Didnt the egyptians descend from Ham son Mizraim, so how can they be semites? Arabs didnt come until about 638AD and i dont believe we caucasions were around.. If so why would we come all the way to egypt from europe or where-ever and just start building pyramids and live in the hot sun? Why is there no sign of skin cancer if the egyptians were Semites?




  1. The ancient Egyptians were Hamites NOT Semites, pretty similar but not the same. Egypt became Semitic when the Arabs arrived in 6th century AD.

  2. dude! egyptians became arabic after the islamic entrance to it

    and they weren't the only geneius people we have the chinese too

  3. The theory that the ancient Egyptians were closer in genotype to the ******* races than they were to the Caucasian has never had foundation and is not accepted by any teaching faculty.

    The is no doubt that the ancient Egyptian people and their pharaohs came from more than one specific genotype or ethnic group.

    This information is based on modern forensic and genetic identification using high tech genetic fingerprinting and analysis laboratory equipment on  the mummified remains of

    over 200 ancient Egyptians of Noble and Royal houses

    The accepted theory is that groups of previously nomadic people came to the delta region at the end of the last European ice age.

    Many came from Eastern Europe and the area we refer to as "The Levant" and in particular they came from the North East  through the natural bottle neck of land that joins Egypt to Asia.

    There was settlement and civilisation taking place in Egypt

    for a few thousand years before the pyramids were built.

    The ancient city of Merenptah or "white walls" like the city of On  was already a bustling metropolis of white limestone with civic buildings,temples and businessess as well as the houses and estates of the rich and the small one or two room dwellings a poor family may share..

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