
Ancient Flood Question

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Other than Genesis, Chaldean Food tablets, and the Epic of Gilgamesh Are there any other "Noah" type stories in other religions?




  1. I think every inhabited continent, not to mention tropical islands, had indigenous people with flood legends.

  2. Every major civilization in the world has a great flood type myth.

  3. The Greek Flood of Deucalion mentioned in Hesiod's Catalog of Women.

  4. Most civilizations have a flood story, but the Christian version is pure fantasy, Noah and his Ark, well anybody who truly believes that story, which is a parable actually, is certifiable...

    Some scholars have determined that the flood occurred in 10,983 BCE, and that The Great Pyramid was built before this date... Some believe that Thoth built it c14,000 years ago to keep the knowledge of mankind safe from the deluge...

    In Light... )O(    

  5. The ancient Greeks had such a tale about Deucalion and Pyrrha. There are many more on all continents.
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