
Ancient Mayan religion

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dose anybody know anything of ancient mayan religion?




  1. It was before my time, Im afraid...

  2. The Mayas were very wise men.

  3. I could type it out for you, but here's a Wikipedia article:

  4. they offered human hearts to the sun god daily and were a very morbid people,

  5. its being shown in the movie titled "Apocalypto" good one if you havent seen it.  

  6. Even experts in this field of study are having a difficult time learning all of the details of the religious beliefs of the ancient Maya.

    The Mayan pantheon was considered a family of deities which began with the First Mother (Moon Goddess) and First Father (Maize God and the Plumed or Feathered Serpent).  There is usually thought to be about 19 different deities, but many of these have more than one aspect, giving lists of names somewhere between 160 and 170.

    The rites and rituals performed were often complex and included human sacrifice.  Specifics will differ as time and place change.

    The Maya believed in the duality of the human soul.  Part of the soul is similar to the Western civilization concept (personal and eternal), but to the Maya, the soul also has a Guardian Angel aspect.  The second function is very much like the External souls depicted in works like The Golden Compass.

    Have a look at the sites below for additional details:

  7. its old indian religion
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