
Ancient ROME!!!!?

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how were women treated at home in rome? Like, did there husbands and fathers beat them, molest them? was that normal?




  1. No that did not happen Rome was actually very conservative in that they we're actually very moral in ways even a bit prudish. It is a common misconception that Rome was a " den of sin" no it was not this is just wishful thinking by some sectors of society.

    Our own society is a child of Romes'

    Women were not allowed to be citizens though but you can't really judge an ancient society by today's society.

  2. Ancient Rome was a very violent society, where people routinely went along to a public place to see other humans torn apart by wild beasts, or killing each other with weapons, activities they thought of as 'entertainment'.

    Roman women were always legally under the 'control' of a man ~ the woman went from father to husband and even when very old and perhaps widowed, a male had to be responsible for her financial matters, under the law.

    Rome was also a very hierarchical society, and low born women and slaves were simply drudges who could be commanded at will.

    Like most places in the ancient world, and many today, women had very few rights, and were subject to the decisions and whims of the males in their families about how they would live, what they would do, and how they would behave.

    However, having said that, Rome was more 'liberal' towards women than some other ancient cultures, especially as time went on.

    For example, unlike the women of ancient Greece, Roman women could own property (to an extent), run a business if all the restrictions were met (a male had to control the finances, for example), and did not have to stay confined in the house all day but could move reasonably freely around the city.

    Additionally, Roman women could attend public places for entertainment, worship or simply to meet friends, but there was a strict separation of the sexes in seating and space ~ if you visit the Colosseum and see where the women's seats are, compared to the men's, you'll see pretty clearly that no-one worried too much about the comfort of the female crowd members!

    Also, in those times, children were not regarded in the same way as now, and 'molesting' was not considered illegal, although many still did think it was depraved (something we would definitely agree with nowadays).

    Writers like Suetonius (the greatest gossip ever), tells how many of the Emperors were simply bloodthirsty fiends who used children for s*x as well as killing their wives if they became inconvenient ~ and no-one could say anything against them.

    Really, it was a fascinating civilisation ~ you can't apply our modern standards to their lives, but you can see where so many of the ideas of the western world began, if you study Rome!

    Cheers :-)

  3. I watched a program on History channel or something a while ago and was struck by what the show had to say about Spartan women. If I remember correctly they were said to have been couped up in the house and it was actually illegal for them to be seen outside of their house. They were just used as resources to bear and raise children and were not treated with respect and had no freedom. Hopefully this is just misinformation or an incorrect memory but that's what I remember from the show.

    Best Wishes!

  4. that was normal

  5. Ancient Rome was a very violent society, where people routinely went along to a public place to see other humans torn apart by wild beasts, or killing each other with weapons, activities they thought of as 'entertainment'.

    Roman women were always legally under the 'control' of a man ~ the woman went from father to husband and even when very old and perhaps widowed, a male had to be responsible for her financial matters, under the law.

    Rome was also a very hierarchical society, and low born women and slaves were simply drudges who could be commanded at will.

    Like most places in the ancient world, and many today, women had very few rights, and were subject to the decisions and whims of the males in their families about how they would live, what they would do, and how they would behave.

    However, having said that, Rome was more 'liberal' towards women than some other ancient cultures, especially as time went on.

    For example, unlike the women of ancient Greece, Roman women could own property (to an extent), run a business if all the restrictions were met (a male had to control the finances, for example), and did not have to stay confined in the house all day but could move reasonably freely around the city.

    Additionally, Roman women could attend public places for entertainment, worship or simply to meet friends, but there was a strict separation of the sexes in seating and space ~ if you visit the Colosseum and see where the women's seats are, compared to the men's, you'll see pretty clearly that no-one worried too much about the comfort of the female crowd members!

    Also, in those times, children were not regarded in the same way as now, and 'molesting' was not considered illegal, although many still did think it was depraved (something we would definitely agree with nowadays).

    Writers like Suetonius (the greatest gossip ever), tells how many of the Emperors were simply bloodthirsty fiends who used children for s*x as well as killing their wives if they became inconvenient ~ and no-one could say anything against them.

    Really, it was a fascinating civilisation ~ you can't apply our modern standards to their lives, but you can see where so many of the ideas of the western world began, if you study Rome!
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