
Ancient art of finding water, gold or any sort of treasures. I am looking for the name of that art or skill ?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for the name of that art or skill or person who performed the process of 'scouting' or charting gold or water or oil or any sort of buried treasures or resources. Language doesn't matter much. Thanks!




  1. You mean a prospector?  That's all I an think of.

  2. Dousing is the term. You can do it yourself, get a divining rod, Ebay has them, and your in business.

  3. It is spelled "dowsing."

  4. You can try dowsing yourself,   Get a couple of pieces of hanger wire, bend them into an L shape, then walk holding them parallel before you.

  5. The term you are referring to is "devining" or "dowsing", the latter more readily referring to the finding of water.  

    The 'professionals' of such a practice sometimes used a Y shaped stick, which would react when over the digging spot.  This was called a "Devining Rod" or "Devining Stick".   There are still those around today who follow this practice.

  6. In general, it's often referred to as surveying.  Some folks use arcane methods, and in that case it's called dousing.

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