
Ancient civilizations that mysteriously disappeared?

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I am just curious, how many ancient civilizations mysteriously disappeared? What were they and what do scientists think destroyed them? Thanks so very much!

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  1. There`s a lot of them out there! Hard to pin points... You have teh Etruscans, the Minoans in Europe, you got the Daiwan in China, you have the Olmec in south America (even Mayans) and many more if we count the city states, like Gommorah and Sodom. Also Solomon has got very little evidences thanks in huge parts to our numerous pillagings done by our crusaders to save the ''holy land''...

    Most city states were destroyed by earthquakes, the Mayan probably because of extended draught, and the others because we lack data on them, as some were very mobile (Etruscans) and others very old (Daiwan).

  2. Harappan society in pre-Vedic India is one.  They were a very advanced society, but scholars are not in agreement as to why they declined and abandoned great cities such as Mohenjo-Daro.  They began to disintegrate around 1700 BC.  They had been very advanced, with sophisticated art work, sewage systems, granaries and other aspects of civilized life.

    The Maya in southern mexico and guatemala did not disappear per se, but they did abandon their great cities at Uxmal, chichen-itza, and tikal around 750 AD--and scholars are unsure why.  They dispersed and went to live in smaller settlements that didn't at all resemble the great cities they had built and once inhabited.

  3. Tons of info out there on this subject. Hope you enjoy getting into it.

    "Fingerprints of the Gods" was an interesting big book.

    Look into the trilithon at Ba'albek to see three monster pieces of stacked rock (600 tons each) that we probably can't even move today!

    Also look into Machu Picchu!

    As for your questions: "how many"...? I think there are 10-20 in the Americas alone!

    "what do scientists think destroyed them?" In the case of the Incas, I think scientists lean towards the wholesale destruction of the forests for adonrning their houses with the burnt ashes, (I'm serious), or drought. Then some guys who study these things suggest an ancient technology similar or advanced to ours, which includes nuclear capabilities! (And, well, when you live several hundered years, like the Bible suggests men did in those days, one may learn a lot in that timespan.)

  4. Scientist think something all od a sudden happened to all oof them.

  5. Chariots of the Gods.

    Alien intervention.

  6. Two books that may help you to come to your own conclusion:

    Celestine Prophecies

    Conversations with God (I, II, III)

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