
Ancient roman values/clothing?

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i have a history project for school and my group has to do ancient rome. we have to present this whole project thingy and we need to come up with a costume. what would be easy to make and would represent ancient romans? also, we have to come up with a philosophy and motto. what did the ancient romans value that we could use to come up with a philosophy relating to that? and we need to make a huge flag that represents our philosophy too... any ideas???

this is 10th grade stuff by the way. thanks!




  1. Costume: Toga obviously.

    Motto: aurum est potesta, ab antiquo. (random stuff)

  2. I just can't resist it! I KNOW this isn't the answer you are looking for but, here goes. Your teacher in your tenth grade class had a reason for assigning you the specific tasks involving ancient Rome: He/she wanted YOU to research the answers and learn more about ancient Rome in the process!  Since you asked the question here, you obviously have access to a computer. What an advantage you have over my generation!  You have, at your finger tips, practically everything written on the subject of ancient Rome, so in the immortal words of my attorney daddy, LOOK IT UP! And, I honestly DO mean that kindly. If you use your computer and look up the information you need you wont be taking chances with getting bad information and opinions instead of facts, and you'll be learning a bunch as you do it. Good luck!  

  3. When most people think Roman custome they think toga. However, if you have to do something that has to do with their values, I would do a military outfit. The Romans valued military strength, bravery, and honor. If generals lost battles, they often killed themselves because it was a dishonor. At the same time, Rome's military allowed it to dominate a huge Empire.  

    A military outfit wouldn't be too hard as long as you're trying no to be too authentic. You need a red cloak (you could make it out of a red sheet), a helmet (you could probably make one from paper or cardboard,) and some armor (I'm sure you could fake it pretty easily).

    Doing a quick search of the internet, I found a site that might help:

    As for the huge flag, you could make one with an image of the Roman Empire at its height:

    Or you could make one that looks like a Roman military flag:  

  4. Hi there, that sounds like a fun project to do (well, better than writing an essay, anyway). How about going traditional, a toga. That would be an easy and cheap costume to make, plus it's one people automatically associate with Romans. - this site tells you how to make a toga.

    As for a motto, how about a classic from Julius Caesar; "ueni, uidi, uici"- that's Latin for "I came, I saw, I conquered". It fits the Roman values greatly, because a true Roman leader was supposed to go out and conquer neighbours. It later became part of what a Roman emperor was expected to do. That was how Romans gained gloria (glory); something they were very concerned with.

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