
Ancient ruins in Macedonia,Greece that support the claim there were occupied by others in the past?

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I read the lies and misconceptions of the Slavs trying to confuse people reg Greek Macedonia and wondering:

Is there a single ancient sign in Greek Macedonia in the "Macedonian"(AKA Bulgarian) language, a single ruin in Macedonia in Greece that supports their claim that they occupied that area in the past?

Because we see only Greek ruins there from the age of Alexander and beyond. Can someone please prove that Slavs owned Macedonia in Greece and lived there before?

Aside from talks,propaganda and insults this would be the only sound evidence we all look proving the land was occupied by others than Greeks

Thank you all




  1. Perfect question, perfect answers, so far. Indeed, there's not a single sign in Macedonia of Slavic origin. All ancient signs are written in Greek.

  2. That's a perfect question! This is what i think as well! I look forward to seeing an answer from a Skopjan person!

    Filakia (Kisses) from Greece!!!

  3. No, there is no such sound evidence, only false sources, propaganda and insults. People don't need to be academicians or scholars to know that Macedonia was and is Greek. An average educated person will tell you that.

    But it's not the Slavs who are spreading the misconceptions: it's the FYROMIANS or the people from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

    I've read all kinds of arguments from  people in this forum, and some defend them, side with the Turks and attack everybody who disagrees with them. Others do just the opposite. I've often asked these people about the reasons they're not willing to embrace their Slavic heritage. All I got was insults, hate mail, violations, and blocks. I got my message.

    They're not mature enough to acknowledge who they are. But I am. And I'm proud of who I am and who I belong to. The family of Slavic nations is my family, and it surely feels great to be a Slav! Not to mention what it means to be a Serb.

    I know your intention is to distinguish between Hellenic and other (i.e. in this case FYROMIAN) heritage, but maybe you'd have more credibility if you used Slavs more sparingly and more correctly, so to say. Because it's not all Slavs who entertain delusional ideas in their heads: actually those who do, are less so, due to all the influences they've had.

    It's like calling every Mexican an American (which in fact they are, more than the US citizens who are now exclusive bearers of this nat. prefix). Others may disapprove of it.

    I did answer your question in the first paragraph, and I know the rest of it is not what you'd like to hear, but my aim is not to compliment you nor do any anal alpine discipline (you have plenty of that already) - it's to tell you what you should hear.

    Whether you want to acknowledge it is up to you of course, but it's enough to know you will read it before a particular champion in anal alpine free climbing gets her machinery going and my post gets deleted.

    edit: No need to apologize; as I said, I take pride, not offense at my heritage.

    As for the TU, that doesn't mean a lot to me either, since I know it's always manipulated into a massive TD or a TU as in this case. Both are proof of what I'm saying: alpine climbing free style.

    But thnx for yours anyway :)

  4. Well the first thing i noticed about the answers tot his questions was that ..there where no FYROMS  to contest it....i think that says it all.....  BRAVO question..but if you look at my past question i do put it to them alwasy as to where they came from which was just out side modern kiev.. and all migrated toour region of the balkans some 900 years later than  alexander the great...but most of all every time they argue the point of thier rights to macedonia they refer only tot he past 300 years and especially to the balkan wars...but i alwasy put it to them  to tell me what MACEDONIA means to interpert is a greek word..but none of the slaves can interpert it as it dosent exist in thier language... so that says it all as well...... YIA TIN ELLADA GAMOTO..

  5. I think Goxy gave you the best answer and deserves the best answer ,too.

    As you can see,in such question Fyromians are not able to answer,because they know that they can't........

    They have no prooves,all of the findings,even there ,even here are in Greek language and they know it....

    Even the Kalash tribe in Pakistan which is considered as the descendands of the soldiers of Alexander,the are worshiping Zeus and Dionisus....

    They have no proves,they have just words......."I am makedonian because i said so,and you must believe me"

    Just like this (and as I have said in another answer)

    I am marylin monroe bacause I said so and you must believe.....:P

  6. We all remember very well the attempts they made several years back, to adopt the sign (Sun) of Vergina that was unearthed by Manolis Andronikos in his excavations.

    The same way, every inscription of recent  excavations is claimed to be in their own language, which is the Cyrillic and which was introduced many centuries later, simply by confusing it with the ancient Greek alphabet, since many of its letters are of Greek origin.

    Their efforts to steal the history of Greece is unfortunately an easy ground for them because they base their claims on the ignorance of their audience.

  7. no there is no such evidence because Macedonia IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE GREEK!!!


    Bravo Vergina

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