
And, what type of editor do you like?

by  |  earlier

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Ran across someone claiming to be an editor last night (no, not Kevin) who seemed to delight in ravaging a posting from someone. I couldn't resist posting this "terrible" response, unworthy I am sure, of the "editor's" time!

Blue Pens

Mighty pens of blue be bold

chastise those unworthy

send away the humbled tears

and remember, smile as people fail.

Uphold your righteousness

shower indignation for all “beneath”

let none arise or hope for more

without bowing to your words.

Yet for all the pain you bring

we see none of your submittals?

Surely ones with mighty pens

would honor us… way down low.

We promise to stand in awe

if indeed the words are greatly said.

But we also promise if not the case

to help, to guide, to offer praise.

For in the end aren’t we all

walking the same road in life?




  1. A professional editor has a great responsibility.  Criticism is essential, but there are civilized ways in which to state changes and alterations.  It is apparent by one's manners, if the editior is professional or an officious t**d.

  2. I would like to respond with a caustic put-down, but it's not in my nature.  I agree, lots of young (and not so young) inexperienced poets need encouragement.  Not the fulsome 'awesome' type of response, but the gentle application of advise and request to keep trying.

    Keep trying!

    (Very good poem, btw)...I am proud, I've just learned what btw means after all this I had to use it.

  3. There is a fond spot in my heart for all editors. Suggesting changes in another person's hard work is not an easy thing to do.  However, to "ravage" a posting is unforgivable. I have been prey to such editors, in both worlds, real and virtual. Your message is clear and I agree with it.  Also, your poem is excellent, written in a professional manner.

  4. I have seen a few fakirs. Kevin is knowledgeable. I try to always use the term, "In my opinion."

  5. I'm glad you mentioned that it wasn't Kevin--I don't always agree with Kevin, but I always have felt that his intent is to be helpful.

    We all have some credentials and for the most part I'm a little skeptical about someone who writes an answer and has to qualify it with published poet, or editor--if the proof is in the answer than the qualification isn't needed.

    I like editors who strengthen the work even if they are critical. I like editors that don't get off on being cruel. If the work has no redeeming value and can't be helped I want the editor to pass to another post without comment...the Internet is not their slush pile.

  6. I really did't get the concept of you meaning of this poem maybe you could make it a little more clear?

  7. Good. 85%  The rhyming feels a bit forced.  


  8. I could sell you arms and ammunition.... what will it be?

  9. Editor, or critic ? Speaking as a distant "newbie" ; one who is not afraid to point out poor grammar and spelling, and doesn't belong to a Mutual AdmiRation Society !

  10. My only comment..."If wishes were horses"...where is your tact?

    (And yes, it's intended...and before my second cup of wake-up


    Edit:  This is a keeper!  Am only making comments about Editors.

  11. It's the red pens I fear most.....

    Great poem!

  12. From " Stranger in a Strange Land" by R.A.Heinlein

    Anne speaking "And besides, there's something wrong with the scansion" (commenting on Jubal's poem)

    Jubal replies "Of course!  You have to give an editor something to change, or he gets frustrated.  After he pees in it, he likes the flavor better, so he buys it."

  13. Neonman, the gracious one

    who makes learning

    lots more fun,

    laughing with, not at

    those of us who practice

    at this poetry craft

    He never makes one

    feel as a jackass,

    'Cause he has class!


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