
And Obama is 'anti-American'? I thought the Bush Administration didn't 'talk' to ......?

by  |  earlier

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.............. terrorists and terrorist-sponsoring States?

And I can't wait to hear how our 'friend' McCain is going to react.

Are these Republicans for real?




  1. Yes, exactly. Except that Bush now finally this right, and Obama has always had it right. We must engage our enemies.

  2. What is wrong with discussions with a country who you see as a threat and getting to the heart of the matter? Isn't it better then people dying? What is the Bush administration afraid of? People and countries are being labelled in order to justify extreme actions and it needs to stop. THERE IS NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM IN IRAN. Even the CIA have said so. So what is going on?

  3. They all are...all three.

  4. I am so tired of hearing these Republicans claim they know what is best for the country while destroying it.   It is refreshing to see someone actually doing the right right thing.  My problem is, I am waiting for something boneheaded to come out of this meeting!!!!

    The republicans have done nothing but hurt this country since the Nixon days.  Nixon kept the Vietnam War going for his own gain, Reagan dealt arms to Iran to fulfill his promise to them if they helped him get elected, Reagan/Bush I dealt drugs to finance a war in Central America, Reagan/Bush I funded the development of WMD's in Iraq under Saddam.  Republican members of congress warned Bin Laden that cruise missiles were on their way to destroy  in 1998.  Now of course look at the wars we are in!!!

  5. If ever you hear something about Obama being "Anti-American" know that it's a lie. Have you seen the cover of The New Yorker coming out soon? It's pitiful.

  6. Obama just likes talking hit fellow Muslim American haters!

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