
And another thing: If the medias polls already know who's gonna win, what the h**l are we voting for?

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And another thing: If the medias polls already know who's gonna win, what the h**l are we voting for?




  1. They don't know.

  2. Those polls don't count, these surveyors do not go to the bad lands to see who they are voting for.

  3. While in college, I took several courses in Statistics and the one thing I learned is that polls and surveys are generally admitted in a way to favor whoever/whatever is doing the polling.  Without knowing information such as where the poll was taken, which age demographic was targeted, economic status, and so many other intangibles, it is merely numbers being shown to favor their opinion.  Don't be discouraged by what polls state, as you have no clue as to those participating and in many instances, those conducting the survey.  

  4. McCain over Obama.

    Quality over quota.

  5. our next pesident john mccain

  6. I just heard on CNN that Obama already has almost enough electoral votes to give him the White house.  It is amazing how they can do that when they can't even get exit polls right on the night of the election.  I cannot believe how they are trying to influence people that the election is over so why vote.  I thought the election is in November.

  7. *Hopefully* next time somebody wins by 51% (or 49%), he will say "wait a minute, I need to change, I'm not really representing what everybody wants" and do something besides "stay the course".  

    If approval rating falls *after* election, more so.  

  8. go to YouTube...  look up "unemployabledrunk"  check out the video labeled "how does my vote count"  (i think it's something like that)... it's pretty much self-explanatory.  and, granted it comes from a disgruntled old f**t, it may even give you pause...

  9. One example:  Dewey Beats Truman.

    That was a headline...printed early.  So much for polls.

    Another recent example:  The 2000 elections and Florida.  No need to go further on that topic.

  10. If they think they know now, wait till the public actually gets a chance to address Sarah Palin, without Fox News protecting her... LOL

  11. if you think your vote counts your fooling yourself.

    OUR VOTES DO NOT COUNT.  Ala- delegates.

    sucks to be us.

  12. Because the last 2 elections proved that the media polls are dead wrong.  Sad part is people continue to emphasize the polls even knowing that the opinions of 3,000 people cannot be accurately extrapolated to that of 300,000,000 people.

  13. The 2004 polls showed Kerry ahead by 17 points the day before the election.  What does that tell ya about the polls?

  14. this is the most intelligent question i have seen in awhile!!!

  15. 2000 Al Gore

    2004 John Kerry

    The media knows squat!

    McCain for President

  16. they don't know who is going to win. If you remember back in 2004 they swore kerry was going to beat bush and were wrong

  17. We're voting to prove them wrong. Barr/Root '08.

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